Friday, November 25, 2011

A Thanks a Day #25

Day 25: Today I'm thankful for the great marriage example my parents set for us. I feel blessed to come from a home that's not split and to have parents who are still in love. Happy Anniversary on Nov 25th, mom & dad!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Thanks a Day #24

Day 24: Thankful for my good and loving and gracious God. His provisions and mercy astound me everyday and I'm humbled to be called His.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Thanks a Day #23

Day 23: Thankful for my education & training in working with special learners. I believe all children are special but some require more unique techniques than little girl is a unique learner and I'm grateful God saw fit to train me to be the best mommy for her that I can be!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Thanks a Day #22

Day 22 of a month of Thanksgiving:
I'm thankful for my garbage disposal. The Beeler's don't waste much as a general rule, but what does go down the disposal is usually tiny bits of leftovers I've saved b/c I can't stand to throw them out & left too long so are growing things...bleck! Grateful to wash it down and be done with it!

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Thanks a Day #21

Day 21 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for the ability to buy local. My husband purchased all the items to redo our garage roof this summer at our local Lumber Yard & had some things left over - the Lumber Yard took back all the usable items, including the pounds of screws without blinking an eye and refunded him the cost. He had enough to build my Little Helper stool at no cost with some cash for me to use for Christmas!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Thanks a Day #20

Day 20 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for health. Though the Beeler crew has fought the flu this weekend, overall we maintain a fairly healthy home and we are grateful for God's unending love and grace in this area (and others!) upon our family!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Thanks a Day #19

Day 19 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for 2 vehicles that run. They may not be fancy but they usually start when we ask them to!

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Thanks a Day #18

Day 18 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for our (great) aunt Cathy Wiewel. She drove over an hour & a half to watch my babies. Came in last night and never flinched when we called this morning to tell her Xavier had been up sick in the night & still came and rocked the day away with them. The children love her, we love her, and we're so blessed that she's willing to come the distance and love on our babies! Thanks Aunt Cathy!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Thanks a Day #17

Day 17 of a month of Thanksgiving:

Today I'm thankful for my sister-in-law. She loves our family and is so good to call and check in with the children even though she can't physically be here every week. She's a wonderful nurse and a terrific friend. Love you Kea Beeler (and we're all pretty fond of that new feller of your's, too - Miguel Paredes).

A Thanks a Day #16

Day 16 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for our warm little house - humble and old but full of love!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Thanks a Day #15

Day 15 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for sleep. Resting and recharging. Sleeping is one thing I actually excel at! Good night friends!

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Thanks a Day #14

Day 14 of a month of Thanksgiving:

Today I'm thankful for co-workers who are more than just people to share a building with - friends who care about my family and who I am as a person.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Thanks a Day #13

Day 13 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my baby sister. She's a spoiled baby some of the time (insert smile) but also loving and kind and helpful. As we've grown it's been my privilege to not just think of her as a sister but also as a friend. And, the last few years I've had to realize that she's not a "kid" anymore but a terrific young adult! Love you Lauren Tallman.

A Thanks a Day #12

Day 12 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for new babies. Everywhere I turn, someone has a newborn or is expecting. God's greatest gift on life. Love the smell of sweet, sweet babies!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Thanks a Day #11

Day 11 of a Month of Thanks:
Today I'm thankful for our Veterans. My father. My grandfather. A 2 cousins who are currently living the military life: Jared Seaton and Micah Battin...a special shout out and thanks to you AND your families (@Kristin Seaton & Tristan Brooke Battin) for the sacrifices you are making.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Thanks a Day #10

Day 10 of a Month of Thanksgiving:

Today I'm thankful for my husband. He's strong. He's understanding. He believes in Jesus and puts him first and then our family next. He's striving to make changes to better our family in big huge ways. He is courageous and my rock on earth. I love you Mike Beeler.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Thanks a Day #9

Day 9 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my Natalee.
My firstborn. My fighter. My little ray of ornery sunshine.
My little companion. My *almost* big 3 year old girl. My daddy's girl - who sometimes actually chooses mommy instead. My studious one - loves to read, learn, and play sit down games.

Xavier's big sister protector. Daddy's "silly penguin." Soft and sensitive. Often stubborn. Loving and cuddly. Name means "gift at Christmas" and indeed she was our best gift of 2008.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Thanks a Day #8

Day 8 of a Month of Thanksgiving:

Today I'm thankful for the gift of my "dream day" to stay home with my babies all day. To have supper ready for my husband when he got home, to be able to be the one who wiped noses and fannies, to be the one who trained and disciplined, played and loved. It was a lovely day.

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Thanks a Day #7

Day 7 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my dad. He's so dear with my children and still my hero after many years. Quick to fix a car, or show his love by making sure our house is secure and fixed up. This weekend alone he drove to town to see if my kids wanted to play and then today tried to take Natalee to feed in the tractor but let her chicken out at the last minute. Softie. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Thanks a Day #6

Day 6 of a month of Thanksgiving:
I'm thankful for the worship team at church. This morning when the devil was really working on me they definitely helped me bring it back together and refocus. Cole Tippett, Lindsay Becraft Tippett, Beth Blumhagen Gravett, Amee Jones - God bless your gift and thank you for sharing it with us!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Thanks a Day #5

A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:

Today I am thankful for my mother. We celebrated her birthday today and it was nice to be all under one roof again! Mom you're always there for us, always quick to lend a hand, run the kids, give a hug, wipe a tear, and lend advice. We'd all be lost without you. Love you so very very much.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Thanks a Day #4

A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Day 4 of a month of Thanksgiving - I'm thankful for my older sister Andrea, today. The one who pushes me the extra mile to be a little 'more' creative, who is quick to lend a hand or offer help and who is more than a sister...a friend.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Thanks a Day #3

A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for pictures. It seems simple and maybe a little petty, but being able to catch the moments and memories of my babies as they grow is priceless to me. My photos are treasured, timeless. They hold pieces of my family, my past, my heart.

A Thanks a Day #2

A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:

Today I am thankful for my in-laws. Its a blessed thing to have more than 1 set of parents to love on me, lift me up, calm my fears, and love my babies. Always quick to help & thinking of us and our needs. Love you Phil & Sara.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Thanks a Day #1

A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for Xavier Micheal Beeler. 16 months old and full of sugar AND vinegar. Ornery and lovey. Still a mama's boy.
Obsessed with shoes. Understands EVERYTHING - says very little. A jokester. Barely there hair. Baby blue eyes with looong eyelashes.
Always sticky, except right after bath when he smells so sweet! Messy. Picky eater. Adorable. Imaginative. Thinks he's "big". Loves his sissy. Name means 'man who builds his house with Christ." Our 'unexpected' but completely God planned joy!