Monday, February 28, 2011

Natalee Goes French & Xavier Gets Fresh!

I put these on Facebook but here they are for my memories and for my non-Facebook friends (is there more than one of you??). Enjoy & remember to laugh today! If you watch I'd love to have a comment on BOTH videos...both my kids love feedback, I'm sure! :)

What little goons my kids were being tonight...

We discovered that Xavier loves the baby dolls in this house & thinks they are his little same sized buddies. He kisses & loves & sweet talks them. :) I'm thinking we need a boy baby doll around here to even up the teams!

Natalee and I have been kissing each other's cheeks as a sort of "mommy/daughter bonding ritual". So tonight I asked Mike to grab the camera and capture the memory for us. Boy did she shock me! I have no idea what possessed her to do what she did!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Puppy Dog Xabe

Xavier is a problem solver.
Even so young (almost 8 months) he's good at figuring out a way to get what he wants.
His new way of taking toys from place to place makes us smile!!
What ingenuity! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stuff Continued...

On the "cleaning out stuff" front...

We've sold or given away the following this weekend:

1 baby swing (have another cleaned up & ready to list)
1 infant car seat (have another ready to list)
1 crib mattress
1 grill
toys :) not a lot but enough to make a difference!
1 boppy pillow

This may not look like a lot to you but it's a big deal for me. It's liberating to free yourself from under some 'stuff' that you don't really need. A reminder to make more room for the important stuff & to trust Him to provide just what this family needs. In doing this I've had to realize the following....

The 'stuff' doesn't make the memories. WE make the memories. The car seat that carried home my babies from the hospital doesn't hold any real's a heart memory, not a physical memory. Having the tangible 'evidence' doesn't make it any more or less real or dear to me. And it's going to carry home the dear infant for another young THAT'S endearing!

Here's to becoming STUFF-LESS! (& have I mentioned that the only item I've purchased in the process was one I thought about and waited to buy for 3 days to make sure I still thought I needed it? yay me!).

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I tend to be very 'stuff' oriented. 'Stuff' makes me feel secure and safe and prepared. This is a silly process I'm working through and as a result we are getting rid of some STUFF in the Beeler household.
We 'plan' on having more kids in a few years but is it really fair of me to expect all my 'stuff' to come out of totes and work like new? Wouldn't it be better to sell now and buy used or borrow later? YEP! We think so too.
And what if God's plans are different than ours? Then he'll provide us all the 'stuff' we need!
So if you're in the market for a baby swing or such...
stop on it!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Xavier Crawls and More!

Mr. Xavier is growing up so big and too fast! He's finally figured out what crawling is all about and delights in crawling over to his sister and bothering her toys and whatever she's doing. It's an adjustment for all of us having TWO MOVERS in the house.

Xavier's also a quick study and loves to mimic. He copies mouth sounds, movements, things his sister does, and recently the "tap tap band game" that we play with stacking rings. Such a smartie...and don't you love that grin!?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Ending of an Era...Giving Up the "Sucker"

Yesterday Natalee never asked for her pacifier (her 'sucker' in her language) at nap time. So I never gave her one. And although she woke up pretty grouchy she soon got over it, and she didn't ask for one all the rest of the day (we long ago took them away from her during the day but she sometimes will still ask). She mentioned it a couple of times at bedtime but I was home alone because Mike was traveling for church and so I just told her they were all gone. And while I still had my nerve about me I collected all of them I could find and bagged them up. Coat pockets, basket upstairs, Mike & I's bedside tables, kitchen, changing table, car, diaper bag...
I know we're still missing 3 or mom has one & Lora Jean should have a couple. I also need to get under Natalee's bed and check.
At 2 am she woke up and asked for it and I told her they were all gone. She laid back down and went to sleep. But at 5:30 she was up and hopping mad! Her daddy had gotten home so he went in to lay her back down and I heard her try to sweet talk & then demand one from him. No luck (because mommy hid them...daddy's a softy!). She slept fitfully from 5:30-7:00 before she finally gave up and got up and played.

Day 2 (today): She didn't ask for one until nap time. vShe cried herself to sleep but did so fairly quickly, only crying 10-15 minute before falling asleep. I (stupidly) thought to myself, "this won't be so bad."
Bedtime: 1 1/2 hours of crying, talking to herself, and tossing/turning she lasted. I finally went up after 45 minutes and rocked her awhile...we played music, watched her turtle star maker, and no avail. I laid her back down and she fussed but dozed off only to wake a few minutes later. Poor baby just doesn't know what to do with herself. Oddly enough she hasn't really asked for her sucker more than a couple times...she just seems restless and unable to settle. She lays up there and sucks air then swallows hard, even in her sleep.
I'm holding firm...mainly because I've gone this far and can't put her through the withdraw taking it away again in a few months (shamefully not because my willpower is so great!).

So, if you're inclined, please say a little prayer for peace and restful sleeping at the Beeler house this week.

Growing up is hard to do...

The Blizzard of 2011 (Part 3-Photos)

Look at those swings blow!

My poor back's getting new windows this spring...just not in time for the blizzard. :( When I walked downstairs to switch laundry when it was blowing and snowing I would literally get face fulls of snow blown at me!

Poor Baby Jesus...this really disturbs Natalee! The Nativity set will be going back into the garage... soon as we can get into the garage!

stuck in a drift!

Xavier didn't get to go outside to play.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011 (Part 2)

I want to remember...

--how 3 people came to help us scoop out our driveway today (thanks Edward, Ryan & Chance!).
--how the snow was piled as high as Natalee's shoulders when she went out.
--baking all day! And sending goodies to our friends and neighbors!
--how COLD our upstairs is being shut off. Reminds me of my childhood bedroom! Be brief up there and I even brought my clothes down this morning to dress!
--being grateful for electricity that's stayed on (HEAT!).
--hearing from my mom last night that my dad's truck blew into a drift on his way home from work and he walked 1 1/2-2 miles home on our country road. SCARY.
--hearing from dad that the wind was so strong while he was walking home that it blew him across the road. SCARIER!
--the Facebook stories of people helping people. That's God's idea of a good community, I'm certain!
--the whole town being shut strange. Mike broke his shovel and the Lumberyard was closed so there was no replacement to be found.
--sleeping on air mattresses at least through tonight.
--the school calling early this afternoon to tell us we were closed until Monday. Wow!
--seeing all the pictures of drifts and snowed in cars & buildings (mine are coming).
--bundling Natalee up to play out for a few minutes & go deliver cookies. Keeping Xabe in and hearing him say "ma ma ma" for the first time!

What things do YOU not want to forget?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Things I Want to Remember--The Blizzard of 2011 (Part 1)

February 1st and mercy is it snowing! Like I've never seen before in my slight 25 years here...and I've been here all those 25 years. The whole town is shut down, with the exception of our brave mail carrier who brought the mail this morning, the MoDot crews, the Ambulance medic teams, and the Tri-County Electric crews who will continue to run in emergencies. I have family ties to the 3 latter mentioned. Praying for safety for all who have to be out. And for the smarts for those who don't have to be out to stay in!

Our little house is warm enough, though the heater is running almost constantly and we have 2 space heaters downstairs going. We have food enough, diapers enough, water enough. Mike ran this morning before it all hit to grab diapers for both kids, 2 cans more formula, bread, more milk (we bought 1 gallon yesterday in Memphis), canned soup (you could live off it if you had to!) & more chocolate chips (because if the electricity holds I'll bake!). The back porch has snow drifting inside. I'm anxious for the new windows that will be put into it this spring/summer. And the basement is COLD!

Mike decided we should shut off the upstairs tonight because it's already very cold up there. With only 2 heat vents, neither of them being in the kids' room, the space heater will fight a losing battle trying to keep up and we really don't like to sleep with it on anyways. I giggle remembering the days when my bedroom as a child was that cold every night in the winter because it didn't have heat! Nonetheless, we've blown up the air mattresses and will keep the kids down with us where it's warm and pray our electricity holds. I've washed all the blankets that were dirty so we'll be plenty warm. We will also clamp a blanket across our front door tonight because it's so drafty--and that will keep us a little warmer.

We have plans to go to mom and dad's if the electricity here gives as they have a generator. If dad can get us there. If not we'll bunker down and do our best (insert canned soup!).

All in all I feel very lucky and blessed. We both work jobs that cancel in bad weather--period. I'm grateful Mike doesn't have to be out in this and can be home to help with the children (meaning I have time to do some baking and reading). Already the school has called notifying us that tomorrow is another day home for us.

Facebook is calling this a SNOWPOCALYPSE!!!!!
The National Weather Service has issued a blizzard warning. reports temperatures at 17 degrees with a real feel of -1*. Wind is blowing from the north at 35 mph.
Usually we can see the Christian Church from our kitchen window but not today. It sure is swirling and blowing out there!

We're making history here and it's a little exhilarating to be a part of it! I'll keep updating as I think of things I don't want to forget.

From my house to yours...stay safe and warm!!