Day 25: Today I'm thankful for the great marriage example my parents set for us. I feel blessed to come from a home that's not split and to have parents who are still in love. Happy Anniversary on Nov 25th, mom & dad!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A Thanks a Day #24
Day 24: Thankful for my good and loving and gracious God. His provisions and mercy astound me everyday and I'm humbled to be called His.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A Thanks a Day #23
Day 23: Thankful for my education & training in working with special learners. I believe all children are special but some require more unique techniques than little girl is a unique learner and I'm grateful God saw fit to train me to be the best mommy for her that I can be!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
A Thanks a Day #22
Day 22 of a month of Thanksgiving:
I'm thankful for my garbage disposal. The Beeler's don't waste much as a general rule, but what does go down the disposal is usually tiny bits of leftovers I've saved b/c I can't stand to throw them out & left too long so are growing things...bleck! Grateful to wash it down and be done with it!
Monday, November 21, 2011
A Thanks a Day #21
Day 21 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for the ability to buy local. My husband purchased all the items to redo our garage roof this summer at our local Lumber Yard & had some things left over - the Lumber Yard took back all the usable items, including the pounds of screws without blinking an eye and refunded him the cost. He had enough to build my Little Helper stool at no cost with some cash for me to use for Christmas!!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A Thanks a Day #20
Day 20 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for health. Though the Beeler crew has fought the flu this weekend, overall we maintain a fairly healthy home and we are grateful for God's unending love and grace in this area (and others!) upon our family!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
A Thanks a Day #19
Day 19 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for 2 vehicles that run. They may not be fancy but they usually start when we ask them to!
Friday, November 18, 2011
A Thanks a Day #18
Day 18 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for our (great) aunt Cathy Wiewel. She drove over an hour & a half to watch my babies. Came in last night and never flinched when we called this morning to tell her Xavier had been up sick in the night & still came and rocked the day away with them. The children love her, we love her, and we're so blessed that she's willing to come the distance and love on our babies! Thanks Aunt Cathy!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A Thanks a Day #17
Day 17 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my sister-in-law. She loves our family and is so good to call and check in with the children even though she can't physically be here every week. She's a wonderful nurse and a terrific friend. Love you Kea Beeler (and we're all pretty fond of that new feller of your's, too - Miguel Paredes).
Today I'm thankful for my sister-in-law. She loves our family and is so good to call and check in with the children even though she can't physically be here every week. She's a wonderful nurse and a terrific friend. Love you Kea Beeler (and we're all pretty fond of that new feller of your's, too - Miguel Paredes).

A Thanks a Day #16
Day 16 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for our warm little house - humble and old but full of love!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A Thanks a Day #15
Day 15 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for sleep. Resting and recharging. Sleeping is one thing I actually excel at! Good night friends!
Monday, November 14, 2011
A Thanks a Day #14
Day 14 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for co-workers who are more than just people to share a building with - friends who care about my family and who I am as a person.
Today I'm thankful for co-workers who are more than just people to share a building with - friends who care about my family and who I am as a person.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
A Thanks a Day #13
Day 13 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my baby sister. She's a spoiled baby some of the time (insert smile) but also loving and kind and helpful. As we've grown it's been my privilege to not just think of her as a sister but also as a friend. And, the last few years I've had to realize that she's not a "kid" anymore but a terrific young adult! Love you Lauren Tallman.
A Thanks a Day #12
Day 12 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for new babies. Everywhere I turn, someone has a newborn or is expecting. God's greatest gift on life. Love the smell of sweet, sweet babies!
Friday, November 11, 2011
A Thanks a Day #11
Day 11 of a Month of Thanks:
Today I'm thankful for our Veterans. My father. My grandfather. A 2 cousins who are currently living the military life: Jared Seaton and Micah Battin...a special shout out and thanks to you AND your families (@Kristin Seaton & Tristan Brooke Battin) for the sacrifices you are making.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
A Thanks a Day #10
Day 10 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my husband. He's strong. He's understanding. He believes in Jesus and puts him first and then our family next. He's striving to make changes to better our family in big huge ways. He is courageous and my rock on earth. I love you Mike Beeler.
Today I'm thankful for my husband. He's strong. He's understanding. He believes in Jesus and puts him first and then our family next. He's striving to make changes to better our family in big huge ways. He is courageous and my rock on earth. I love you Mike Beeler.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A Thanks a Day #9
Day 9 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my Natalee.
My firstborn. My fighter. My little ray of ornery sunshine.

My little companion. My *almost* big 3 year old girl.
My daddy's girl - who sometimes actually chooses mommy instead. My studious one - loves to read, learn, and play sit down games.
Xavier's big sister protector. Daddy's "silly penguin." Soft and sensitive. Often stubborn. Loving and cuddly. Name means "gift at Christmas" and indeed she was our best gift of 2008.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Thanks a Day #8
Day 8 of a Month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for the gift of my "dream day" to stay home with my babies all day. To have supper ready for my husband when he got home, to be able to be the one who wiped noses and fannies, to be the one who trained and disciplined, played and loved. It was a lovely day.
Today I'm thankful for the gift of my "dream day" to stay home with my babies all day. To have supper ready for my husband when he got home, to be able to be the one who wiped noses and fannies, to be the one who trained and disciplined, played and loved. It was a lovely day.
Monday, November 7, 2011
A Thanks a Day #7
Day 7 of a month of Thanksgiving:
Today I'm thankful for my dad. He's so dear with my children and still my hero after many years. Quick to fix a car, or show his love by making sure our house is secure and fixed up. This weekend alone he drove to town to see if my kids wanted to play and then today tried to take Natalee to feed in the tractor but let her chicken out at the last minute. Softie. :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
A Thanks a Day #6
Day 6 of a month of Thanksgiving:
I'm thankful for the worship team at church. This morning when the devil was really working on me they definitely helped me bring it back together and refocus. Cole Tippett, Lindsay Becraft Tippett, Beth Blumhagen Gravett, Amee Jones - God bless your gift and thank you for sharing it with us!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A Thanks a Day #5
A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for my mother. We celebrated her birthday today and it was nice to be all under one roof again! Mom you're always there for us, always quick to lend a hand, run the kids, give a hug, wipe a tear, and lend advice. We'd all be lost without you. Love you so very very much.
Today I am thankful for my mother. We celebrated her birthday today and it was nice to be all under one roof again! Mom you're always there for us, always quick to lend a hand, run the kids, give a hug, wipe a tear, and lend advice. We'd all be lost without you. Love you so very very much.
Friday, November 4, 2011
A Thanks a Day #4
A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Day 4 of a month of Thanksgiving - I'm thankful for my older sister Andrea, today. The one who pushes me the extra mile to be a little 'more' creative, who is quick to lend a hand or offer help and who is more than a sister...a friend.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
A Thanks a Day #3
A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for pictures. It seems simple and maybe a little petty, but being able to catch the moments and memories of my babies as they grow is priceless to me. My photos are treasured, timeless. They hold pieces of my family, my past, my heart.
Today I am thankful for pictures. It seems simple and maybe a little petty, but being able to catch the moments and memories of my babies as they grow is priceless to me. My photos are treasured, timeless. They hold pieces of my family, my past, my heart.
A Thanks a Day #2
A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for my in-laws. Its a blessed thing to have more than 1 set of parents to love on me, lift me up, calm my fears, and love my babies. Always quick to help & thinking of us and our needs. Love you Phil & Sara.
Today I am thankful for my in-laws. Its a blessed thing to have more than 1 set of parents to love on me, lift me up, calm my fears, and love my babies. Always quick to help & thinking of us and our needs. Love you Phil & Sara.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
A Thanks a Day #1
A thanks a day until Thanksgiving:
Today I am thankful for Xavier Micheal Beeler. 16 months old and full of sugar AND vinegar. Ornery and lovey. Still a mama's boy.
Obsessed with shoes. Understands EVERYTHING - says very little. A jokester. Barely there hair. Baby blue eyes with looong eyelashes.

Today I am thankful for Xavier Micheal Beeler. 16 months old and full of sugar AND vinegar. Ornery and lovey. Still a mama's boy. 
Obsessed with shoes. Understands EVERYTHING - says very little. A jokester. Barely there hair. Baby blue eyes with looong eyelashes.
Always sticky, except right after bath when he smells so sweet! Messy. Picky eater. Adorable. Imaginative. Thinks he's "big". Loves his sissy. Name means 'man who builds his house with Christ." Our 'unexpected' but completely God planned joy!

Saturday, October 8, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Getting Natalee Back
Today was our follow up with Dr. Waddington. Have I mentioned how much I delight in his way with our family? Do you believe God puts people on this earth to give you a peek into what it must have been like when He performed miracles? After our experience I sure do!
So, if you don't know the history of our story you better backtrack and read, "Meeting Dr. Waddington."
So for those [3 or 4] who are interested let me recap today's follow up appointment. Today Dr. Waddington's "real" nurse was there--she was helping family after a car accident last time so we didn't meet her. She was quite lovely and very interested in Natalee's story. I recapped it for her and we waited only a few minutes before Dr. W. came in. He greeted us but immediately began speaking to Natalee. Now, if you know Natalee well you know that when you are trying to carry a conversation with her she usually either (a) repeats snippets of things we've taught her to say, mostly at the right time but a little awkwardly or (b) has to be prompted to respond at all...and not out of shyness by simply for lack of understanding to give and take of a conversation. Last time we met Dr. W Natalee exhibited both a and b conversational skills but mostly b. He might have said, "Natalee, how are you feeling today?" and I probably waited about 5 full seconds and then prompted, "Natalee you should say, I'm feeling okay thank you," or something to that measure. Last time we were there she was what we would have called, "typical Natalee." Quiet, perhaps a little sing-song-y, cheerful, still. This time she walked right up to him, climbed on the exam table [by HERSELF!] and said, "I'm feewing [feeling] pretty good." When he asked, "What have you been doing at home lately?" she processed by herself and responded, "playing kitchen and playing outside!".
He then asked me how we felt she was doing, although I could already tell he was seeing the huge differences we'd been noticing, and asked if I could list specific differences we'd picked up on. CAN I?
In essence, in 2 weeks, Natalee is a "new" child. It's as though she'd been operating with a 40 watt bulb this whole time when her socket was capable of handling 100 watts.
I just have to say, as a mother, knowing your child isn't feeling her best and not being able to help her is heartbreaking. Knowing that to the 'naked eye' of society she appears semi average and feeling like people are scoffing at you and think you are digging for what's not there when you take her to doctor after doctor and try remedy after remedy...that's humbling.
Sitting in a doctor's office today and having the doctor tell you this, "When I first met Natalee 2 weeks ago she appeared to me to have PDD [which is on the autism spectrum]--mild or maybe moderate {insert my jaw drop here}. But now, just 2 weeks later she seems to be on her road to recovery. My conversation with her today was much, much different than last time you were here. Now [with the adjustment and salt treatments] she's able to just be a 2 year old. You've given her all the genetics and tools to be a very bright little girl. Now that she's feeling better I wouldn't be surprised if she soon becomes above average and is top of her class. You have your little girl back."
Back? I didn't know she was gone. But these last 2 weeks have shown me the real true Natalee--the feeling good, take on the world Natalee instead of the never feel great, always need sleep, get through the day little girl whom we loved so dear but wanted better for. Did I suspect she was on the spectrum? Maybe a little in my gut. I know what it means to have to feed kids answers and listen to them spew them out at the wrong times. To see them get upset at transition times. To want to know what's coming. (I also suspect Natalee's mother is on the spectrum...these things all apply to her, too). But to see the know that a month ago I was fully prepared to make a special education referral for her when she turned 3 and now feel like that's not necessary...that's our own little Lancaster, MO God given miracle.
So, if you don't know the history of our story you better backtrack and read, "Meeting Dr. Waddington."
So for those [3 or 4] who are interested let me recap today's follow up appointment. Today Dr. Waddington's "real" nurse was there--she was helping family after a car accident last time so we didn't meet her. She was quite lovely and very interested in Natalee's story. I recapped it for her and we waited only a few minutes before Dr. W. came in. He greeted us but immediately began speaking to Natalee. Now, if you know Natalee well you know that when you are trying to carry a conversation with her she usually either (a) repeats snippets of things we've taught her to say, mostly at the right time but a little awkwardly or (b) has to be prompted to respond at all...and not out of shyness by simply for lack of understanding to give and take of a conversation. Last time we met Dr. W Natalee exhibited both a and b conversational skills but mostly b. He might have said, "Natalee, how are you feeling today?" and I probably waited about 5 full seconds and then prompted, "Natalee you should say, I'm feeling okay thank you," or something to that measure. Last time we were there she was what we would have called, "typical Natalee." Quiet, perhaps a little sing-song-y, cheerful, still. This time she walked right up to him, climbed on the exam table [by HERSELF!] and said, "I'm feewing [feeling] pretty good." When he asked, "What have you been doing at home lately?" she processed by herself and responded, "playing kitchen and playing outside!".
He then asked me how we felt she was doing, although I could already tell he was seeing the huge differences we'd been noticing, and asked if I could list specific differences we'd picked up on. CAN I?
- Walking up and down stairs with a handrail instead of crawling up/sliding down on bottom.
- Thinking her own thoughts AND expressing them, including increased defiance (which sounds bad but really isn't; for example, "Natalee it's time for bed." "No, I'm NOT going to bed; I want to ......") It's not that we allow this defiance but it is good that she's expressing her wants and needs.
- Increased decision making ability without being shown tangible items (example: "Can I have orange juice?" instead of saying "Can I have a drink?" and then me having to show choices for her to pick from and encourage her to make the choice. She's even specifying what type of juice she wants or that she wants icy water or milk.
- Increased sentence length
- Less of the rote memorization social skills that we've taught her coming through--more natural thoughts and socialization
- Awareness of her body and it's abilities--2 days ago she climbed on the TV stand. While we were astonished and did make her get down we were also proud b/c that's the first time she's recognized that she is able to do that by herself.
- Sense of humor
- Attention to detail of things
- More consistence bowel movements
- Increased independence
- Increased understanding of pre-academics: rhyming, counting, reading books
- Sleeping ALL night...shortening her 1 daytime nap
- Asking questions about things, including beginning to use the word "why"

I just have to say, as a mother, knowing your child isn't feeling her best and not being able to help her is heartbreaking. Knowing that to the 'naked eye' of society she appears semi average and feeling like people are scoffing at you and think you are digging for what's not there when you take her to doctor after doctor and try remedy after remedy...that's humbling.
Sitting in a doctor's office today and having the doctor tell you this, "When I first met Natalee 2 weeks ago she appeared to me to have PDD [which is on the autism spectrum]--mild or maybe moderate {insert my jaw drop here}. But now, just 2 weeks later she seems to be on her road to recovery. My conversation with her today was much, much different than last time you were here. Now [with the adjustment and salt treatments] she's able to just be a 2 year old. You've given her all the genetics and tools to be a very bright little girl. Now that she's feeling better I wouldn't be surprised if she soon becomes above average and is top of her class. You have your little girl back."
Back? I didn't know she was gone. But these last 2 weeks have shown me the real true Natalee--the feeling good, take on the world Natalee instead of the never feel great, always need sleep, get through the day little girl whom we loved so dear but wanted better for. Did I suspect she was on the spectrum? Maybe a little in my gut. I know what it means to have to feed kids answers and listen to them spew them out at the wrong times. To see them get upset at transition times. To want to know what's coming. (I also suspect Natalee's mother is on the spectrum...these things all apply to her, too). But to see the know that a month ago I was fully prepared to make a special education referral for her when she turned 3 and now feel like that's not necessary...that's our own little Lancaster, MO God given miracle.
Natalee Cynthia,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Do It Yourself
I'm feeling "do it your-self-ish"...
tomorrow I'm making homemade dryer sheets (cheap, cheap, cheap) & homemade dishwasher soap. But on my more involved list of things to try someday....
Valentine's Day Love Bundles
Natural Mosquito Spray
Rain Gutter Book Shelves
I'm intrigued by:
Homemade Vanilla
tomorrow I'm making homemade dryer sheets (cheap, cheap, cheap) & homemade dishwasher soap. But on my more involved list of things to try someday....
Valentine's Day Love Bundles
Natural Mosquito Spray
Rain Gutter Book Shelves
I'm intrigued by:
Homemade Vanilla
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Meeting Dr. Waddington
My blog title sounds like a book. :)
We had such a positive experience at the doctor today that I HAD to blog about it and share with others. There are still doctors out there who believe in the power of alternative treatments and don't push pills. What a relief!!
A week ago I saw an ad in the paper for the new Dr. Waddington at Memphis Medical. After reading the ad I was so very compelled to make an appointment for Natalee that I did--right then and there. Strange for the planner in me but I felt prompted to just do it. The phrases in the ad that most piqued my interest for our little gal were "specializes in neurological and developmental disabilities" and "pain management." I just really felt like he might understand Natalee and be able to help her.
Here's the thing about Natalee--to the "naked eye" she appears fairly typically functioning. For the most part she is. However, in areas we thought she was caught up in, we are now again seeing delay (physical ability, processing speed, communication skills). She's developed a stutter ("I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I cars"), her baby brother passes her on the stairs, much of what she does say are direct quotes of information we've taught her previously (which sounds great unless she says them at the wrong time), and her "think time" to follow a command is getting longer and longer. At night she fights constantly moving legs and tight spasms in her ankles. She fatigues easily and seems "delicate." It sounds like I'm picking on her, huh? I'm really not. There's so much she does wonderfully--she loves her baby brother, she's a good helper, she's a good eater, loves to color and read, is quick to learn with direct instruction, she's mostly cooperative... That said, I'm a firm believer in the power of early intervention. I'm not a "wait and see". Let's not wait and see if her hours of sleepless nights because her muscles are tight and spasming go away or she "outgrows" them...let's try to help her NOW. Let's not wait and see if her stutter gets better on it's own (when we could actually be allowing her to ingrain it further)--let's talk her through it now and help her move past it.
I made an appointment. And 2nd guessed myself the whole time we were in the waiting room. My inner conversation, "this was really silly...he's going to tell me she's "fine" & that I'm overreacting...I shouldn't have come...he's going to want to write her a script for the rest of her life and I'm going to have to tell him no...."
And when he came in the first thing he did was ignore me and talk to his patient. Score 1, Dr. W. Then he said hello to me and asked me to tell him, MYSELF, about Natalee's history--her birth, her ears, her allergies, her delayed development, where she is now. Score 2, Dr. W. And he LISTENED to every word. He didn't make me feel silly because she's mostly typically developing with these few hard quirks we can't get past. He didn't dismiss me. He cared. 3 point shot, Dr. W.
Then he had Natalee lay down while I sat right with her (gave me his seat so I could be part of the process) and started manipulating her. Immediately found a huge knot at the top of her spine, tightness in both sides near her ears, some chest and shoulder issues he worked on. While he worked (for 30 minutes) on her alignment and tight areas he visited. And the more we visited the more things he pulled from me and started pinning together. Then he asked if I'd ever heard of Restless Leg Syndrome. And I thought, "oh great, here comes the prescription for lifelong meds and another diagnosis." Wrong. Here came an explanation of how muscle spasticity and RLS often are connected--some problems that come from the brain development (she did have a tightness in her skull he felt was preventing her brain from that he's stretched that area it's just like us filling the empty file drawers--mommy has work to do!) and some problems that usually come from a magnesium deprivation. Ummmm, magnesium? Okay. Apparently magnesium is very important for complete muscle relaxation--without it people often experience RLS and, when coupled with a brain malformity or damage, a more serious condition (for example, muscle spasticity).
Not having anything to lose I bite the bait (he's got me VERY interested by this point, and is still manipulating Natalee)--how do you get magnesium? Leafy green vegetables and nuts....and I'm thinking, "oh am I going to get her to eat those? nuts maybe, green leaves.....nada." And then he says...(drumroll), magnesium can also be easily obtained through Epsom salt. Put a pound in her bathwater tonight--we'll see immediate results...may not completely "fix" her spasms but she'll feel better. Do it again tomorrow and she'll feel that much better. 4 times a week until her levels are up, then 2-3...maybe forever. She could have magnesium shots but he didn't recommend it unless the less invasive suggestion (salts) doesn't completely alleviate her symptoms. Couple the magnesium with plenty of sunlight because she needs Vitamin D to absorb the it into her blood and then bones...add in manipulations to keep her aligned (which we may someday be able to dwindle or phase out)...and we may very well have a whole new child. He said in his limited years of practice he's helped 25-30 people who are in complete remission from RLS. Seriously? That's it? Magnesium & sun...maybe an adjustment once in awhile? Slam dunk, Dr. W.
I'll admit--it sounds too good to be true. But he was so confident...not haughty or know-it-allish...just confident that he thought he could help her, that I feel very trusting of his knowledge. So we left without a prescription (YAY!), grabbed some Epsom salt and dumped a pound in her bath water, let her soak 20+ min, lotioned her up well when she was done, and sent her to bed. Now, we'll pray it's true, try not to be frustrated at the doctors (including the neurologist that we loved) that dismissed us and didn't tell us about the power of a simple thing like MAGNESIUM, and thank God for Dr. Waddington.
I'll try to update in a week or so and let you know how it's going. Be excited...we're feeling VERY encouraged!
We had such a positive experience at the doctor today that I HAD to blog about it and share with others. There are still doctors out there who believe in the power of alternative treatments and don't push pills. What a relief!!
A week ago I saw an ad in the paper for the new Dr. Waddington at Memphis Medical. After reading the ad I was so very compelled to make an appointment for Natalee that I did--right then and there. Strange for the planner in me but I felt prompted to just do it. The phrases in the ad that most piqued my interest for our little gal were "specializes in neurological and developmental disabilities" and "pain management." I just really felt like he might understand Natalee and be able to help her.
Here's the thing about Natalee--to the "naked eye" she appears fairly typically functioning. For the most part she is. However, in areas we thought she was caught up in, we are now again seeing delay (physical ability, processing speed, communication skills). She's developed a stutter ("I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I cars"), her baby brother passes her on the stairs, much of what she does say are direct quotes of information we've taught her previously (which sounds great unless she says them at the wrong time), and her "think time" to follow a command is getting longer and longer. At night she fights constantly moving legs and tight spasms in her ankles. She fatigues easily and seems "delicate." It sounds like I'm picking on her, huh? I'm really not. There's so much she does wonderfully--she loves her baby brother, she's a good helper, she's a good eater, loves to color and read, is quick to learn with direct instruction, she's mostly cooperative... That said, I'm a firm believer in the power of early intervention. I'm not a "wait and see". Let's not wait and see if her hours of sleepless nights because her muscles are tight and spasming go away or she "outgrows" them...let's try to help her NOW. Let's not wait and see if her stutter gets better on it's own (when we could actually be allowing her to ingrain it further)--let's talk her through it now and help her move past it.
I made an appointment. And 2nd guessed myself the whole time we were in the waiting room. My inner conversation, "this was really silly...he's going to tell me she's "fine" & that I'm overreacting...I shouldn't have come...he's going to want to write her a script for the rest of her life and I'm going to have to tell him no...."
And when he came in the first thing he did was ignore me and talk to his patient. Score 1, Dr. W. Then he said hello to me and asked me to tell him, MYSELF, about Natalee's history--her birth, her ears, her allergies, her delayed development, where she is now. Score 2, Dr. W. And he LISTENED to every word. He didn't make me feel silly because she's mostly typically developing with these few hard quirks we can't get past. He didn't dismiss me. He cared. 3 point shot, Dr. W.
Then he had Natalee lay down while I sat right with her (gave me his seat so I could be part of the process) and started manipulating her. Immediately found a huge knot at the top of her spine, tightness in both sides near her ears, some chest and shoulder issues he worked on. While he worked (for 30 minutes) on her alignment and tight areas he visited. And the more we visited the more things he pulled from me and started pinning together. Then he asked if I'd ever heard of Restless Leg Syndrome. And I thought, "oh great, here comes the prescription for lifelong meds and another diagnosis." Wrong. Here came an explanation of how muscle spasticity and RLS often are connected--some problems that come from the brain development (she did have a tightness in her skull he felt was preventing her brain from that he's stretched that area it's just like us filling the empty file drawers--mommy has work to do!) and some problems that usually come from a magnesium deprivation. Ummmm, magnesium? Okay. Apparently magnesium is very important for complete muscle relaxation--without it people often experience RLS and, when coupled with a brain malformity or damage, a more serious condition (for example, muscle spasticity).
Not having anything to lose I bite the bait (he's got me VERY interested by this point, and is still manipulating Natalee)--how do you get magnesium? Leafy green vegetables and nuts....and I'm thinking, "oh am I going to get her to eat those? nuts maybe, green leaves.....nada." And then he says...(drumroll), magnesium can also be easily obtained through Epsom salt. Put a pound in her bathwater tonight--we'll see immediate results...may not completely "fix" her spasms but she'll feel better. Do it again tomorrow and she'll feel that much better. 4 times a week until her levels are up, then 2-3...maybe forever. She could have magnesium shots but he didn't recommend it unless the less invasive suggestion (salts) doesn't completely alleviate her symptoms. Couple the magnesium with plenty of sunlight because she needs Vitamin D to absorb the it into her blood and then bones...add in manipulations to keep her aligned (which we may someday be able to dwindle or phase out)...and we may very well have a whole new child. He said in his limited years of practice he's helped 25-30 people who are in complete remission from RLS. Seriously? That's it? Magnesium & sun...maybe an adjustment once in awhile? Slam dunk, Dr. W.
I'll admit--it sounds too good to be true. But he was so confident...not haughty or know-it-allish...just confident that he thought he could help her, that I feel very trusting of his knowledge. So we left without a prescription (YAY!), grabbed some Epsom salt and dumped a pound in her bath water, let her soak 20+ min, lotioned her up well when she was done, and sent her to bed. Now, we'll pray it's true, try not to be frustrated at the doctors (including the neurologist that we loved) that dismissed us and didn't tell us about the power of a simple thing like MAGNESIUM, and thank God for Dr. Waddington.
I'll try to update in a week or so and let you know how it's going. Be excited...we're feeling VERY encouraged!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Family Pictures
For the benefit of my non-Facebook blogger friends (miss you Mrs. Bish!) here's a collage that I made of our family pictures that we recently had taken. The sitting fee and CD with full copyright of all the photos was a Mother's Day gift from my thoughtful husband (& kids!). Our pictures are courtesy of Kristin Wood Photography!
Oh, here's a few others just for fun!

Natalee Cynthia,
Xavier Micheal
Friday, July 15, 2011
This Week...
I've done great with my fast. I'm amazed at how much willpower I can have. Even leaving the room when Mike's watching TV and turning to the Bible instead of the computer. I'm REALLY enjoying the Bible.
The rest of the week, though, Satan's worked extra hard at me. I'd planned on feeling serene, peaceful, and all put together when the fast was over...
Instead, every time I turn around I'm being tested with a new challenge & God's watching my reaction while Satan jests me further to get me to respond with anger or sarcasm. SIGH
So, the blog that I thought was going to be about how I could live radically--adoption, homeschooling, perhaps using my gift to homeschool adopted special needs kiddos (whew, did I just say that out loud!?) instead about how every.time.I.turn.around. Satan's whispering in my ear that I can't even handle living NORMALLY with 2 children, so HOWINTHEWORLD could I ever live radically with more?
But I'll keep praying, reading, studying, praying, talking, praying and going forward....
But in the meantime I've gathered myself enough to face the children that are in this house now...
the 2 year old who peed her panties while I was downstairs changing laundry...
and the 1 year old who had enough gall to sit in the puddle and splash!
:) These are the moments...I'll miss someday!
The rest of the week, though, Satan's worked extra hard at me. I'd planned on feeling serene, peaceful, and all put together when the fast was over...
Instead, every time I turn around I'm being tested with a new challenge & God's watching my reaction while Satan jests me further to get me to respond with anger or sarcasm. SIGH
So, the blog that I thought was going to be about how I could live radically--adoption, homeschooling, perhaps using my gift to homeschool adopted special needs kiddos (whew, did I just say that out loud!?) instead about how every.time.I.turn.around. Satan's whispering in my ear that I can't even handle living NORMALLY with 2 children, so HOWINTHEWORLD could I ever live radically with more?
But I'll keep praying, reading, studying, praying, talking, praying and going forward....
But in the meantime I've gathered myself enough to face the children that are in this house now...
the 2 year old who peed her panties while I was downstairs changing laundry...
and the 1 year old who had enough gall to sit in the puddle and splash!
:) These are the moments...I'll miss someday!
God's work,
Natalee Cynthia,
Xavier Micheal
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I've been convicted lately of spending too much time on "worldly" things. Not "bad" things, just time wasters. I feel like I'm not being a good steward of my time. As a result I'm taking a 7 day fast from TV and Facebook. That might not sound like a lot to you but it is to me. A sacrifice. And I wanted to be sure I didn't substitute those 2 things with something equally as worldly, so I've decide to start a 90 day Bible reading program that should help fill those empty minutes that I'm not spending with my little darlings (I mean, I could clean but....). :) A friend is doing a 90 day reading program with online accountability, but I chose not to do that for 2 reasons: (1) when I get on the internet (which you are required to do weekly) I get sidetracked--coupon searching, swap shop looking, etc and (2) while I want to be held accountable I don't want to get myself discouraged, which I have a tendency of doing--if I get off track I'm going to try to get back on...that simple (I pray). I printed this schedule off and am praying my way along. I read a book (more about it later--thanks Shonya) about wanting your children to thirst for the Scripture, God's word, and realized that, I myself, first need to (1) have deeper knowledge of the Scripture and (2) thirst deeply for it myself!
So, please be an encourager, hold me accountable, lift me in prayer, and, if you dare, join the journey...
So, please be an encourager, hold me accountable, lift me in prayer, and, if you dare, join the journey...
Friday, June 24, 2011
Happy Birthday, Xavier Micheal!
Xavier's first birthday recap:
Woke up in his own bed (yay, Xaber!) and had biscuits and gravy and banana for breakfast.
Played for 2 hours at the park with Jace (the birthday cousin!) and Tyrell (& Natalee, Lizzie, Kiana, & Easton).
{mommy left her camera in the car the whole time!--stink monkeys!}
Came home & had sloppy joes with cheese and applesauce for lunch then took an hour nap (too short!).
Helped mommy make his birthday cake (yum!) while sissy was still sleeping.
Took a sink bath b/c "helping" was very messy!
Played and whined until mommy gave him a snack and put him back in bed for a nicer longer 1 1/2 hour nap!
Daddy was home when he woke up & shortly after Lauren came and saved him from the house and took him outside with Natalee.
Played sand (he's warming up to it!).
Posed with the cousins and big sister.
Ate delicious homemade pizza (Xavier's favorite!) and watermelon (serious lack of veggies today) for supper.
Opened presents (he wasn't that into it).
Blew out his 1 candle.
Did cake & ice cream.
Got his REAL present from Grandma Num--the Mustang (he, he, he!).
Lounged with sissy.
Relaxed and went to bed (almost an hour & a half late!).

Happy FIRST Birthday, Xavier Micheal Beeler!
Woke up in his own bed (yay, Xaber!) and had biscuits and gravy and banana for breakfast.
Played for 2 hours at the park with Jace (the birthday cousin!) and Tyrell (& Natalee, Lizzie, Kiana, & Easton).
{mommy left her camera in the car the whole time!--stink monkeys!}
Came home & had sloppy joes with cheese and applesauce for lunch then took an hour nap (too short!).
Helped mommy make his birthday cake (yum!) while sissy was still sleeping.

Daddy was home when he woke up & shortly after Lauren came and saved him from the house and took him outside with Natalee.
Played sand (he's warming up to it!).

Happy FIRST Birthday, Xavier Micheal Beeler!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Xavier Turns 1
At this time on this date last year my labor was beginning. I was relaxing in the hospital with Mike wondering about meeting my new little man. He came much quicker than anyone dreamed he would and by the time our parents got the call that they thought would say "It's almost time, go ahead and come," we were actually saying, "He came so quickly and he's already here!"
Xavier Micheal was born on 6-24 at 6:24 a.m., weighing in at 7 lb 4.2 oz and 20 1/2" long. He was born with his cord wrapped but was not blue (praise God) and was perfectly darling with chubby cheeks.

Today Xavier Micheal is a walking machine! He began walking steadily 2 weeks ago and hasn't quit yet. Rarely does he get down to crawl anymore and can almost run on his two stubby legs.
He's 20 pounds & 30" of solid BOY and always has a bruise or a bump on his head (walking wounds!). Just last night he climbed up the large Little Tikes slide we have and fell off, blacking his eye.
He's afraid of nothing and we call him Scamp.

He LOVES his sister and she LOVES him--they constantly look for each other and are becoming wonderful playmates.

He is hot and cold and can throw a horrendous temper tantrum. The best medicine for those are to walk away--don't coddle, give eye contact, or talk nice--just walk away!
Xavier is techno-savvy and dives for anything electronic--computers, cell phones, remotes, mp3 players, printers, etc.
He cares not to be told no and would rather try to ignore you when you do (that doesn't fly well around here!).

He takes 1 nighttime bottle and that's all, but still has his pacifier.
Recently we've begun "sleep training" and so now he climbs the stairs with his sis at night and lays down in his bed like a big boy. Often Mike or I sit in there to read while they drift off but they've become very self-sufficient at going down alone (however if they aren't super tired at bedtime you'll hear them giggle and giggle and jump around in their beds--the sweet sounds of sharing a room!).
He has 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom) and is trying to get more.
He can be a great eater--he can also be extremely picky. I never make anything different for my kids than what's on the table and often he'll choose to not eat at all.
He loves wheels--cars, trains, trucks, bikes, etc & can pedal little riders with his feet very well.
He's a pro at the mini trampoline that has a handrail to hold and loves to swing outside.
Daddy built him a sandbox for his birthday and he's not in love...but it'll grow on him.
Xavier Micheal--God knew exactly what He was doing when He gave us you. You are an absolute joy to be around. Quick with a smile when you want, so totally lovey and snuggly, and ornery as any boy could be. We love you so much, Big Guy. Happy Birthday!! Love, Mommy & Daddy

Today Xavier Micheal is a walking machine! He began walking steadily 2 weeks ago and hasn't quit yet. Rarely does he get down to crawl anymore and can almost run on his two stubby legs.
He's 20 pounds & 30" of solid BOY and always has a bruise or a bump on his head (walking wounds!). Just last night he climbed up the large Little Tikes slide we have and fell off, blacking his eye.
He's afraid of nothing and we call him Scamp.

He LOVES his sister and she LOVES him--they constantly look for each other and are becoming wonderful playmates.

He is hot and cold and can throw a horrendous temper tantrum. The best medicine for those are to walk away--don't coddle, give eye contact, or talk nice--just walk away!
Xavier is techno-savvy and dives for anything electronic--computers, cell phones, remotes, mp3 players, printers, etc.
He cares not to be told no and would rather try to ignore you when you do (that doesn't fly well around here!).

He takes 1 nighttime bottle and that's all, but still has his pacifier.
Recently we've begun "sleep training" and so now he climbs the stairs with his sis at night and lays down in his bed like a big boy. Often Mike or I sit in there to read while they drift off but they've become very self-sufficient at going down alone (however if they aren't super tired at bedtime you'll hear them giggle and giggle and jump around in their beds--the sweet sounds of sharing a room!).
He has 6 teeth (4 on top, 2 on bottom) and is trying to get more.

He's a pro at the mini trampoline that has a handrail to hold and loves to swing outside.
Daddy built him a sandbox for his birthday and he's not in love...but it'll grow on him.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Potty Training - Day 2
End of day 2:
Woke up dry in the morning and from nap.
Stayed dry all through church.
Total of 3 accidents.
Still unable to have a successful #2 on the potty.
GREAT progress for 2 days!!
Woke up dry in the morning and from nap.
Stayed dry all through church.
Total of 3 accidents.
Still unable to have a successful #2 on the potty.
GREAT progress for 2 days!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Potty Training Miss Priss
Make sure you scroll back down and look at the pictures I added to Xavier's 11 month post!
Now...on to the potty training.
Our first day ended in 7 hits and 7 misses. We set the timer and went every 10 minutes or so (that's a lot of pottying!!). We had 0 #2s on the potty (which means 2 in our panties) but woke up dry this morning and yesterday at nap! Just now she came to me and had started peeing in her panties but stopped herself. That's progress, right? We're using panties with plastic pants over them for during the day and pull-ups for nap and night. I've already done a load of "panty laundry". Overall, I'm proud of her--she's sitting on the potty like a big girl, our fits have been minimal, and she seems to care. Compared to a week ago when I asked her "Natalee, are you going to wear panties?" and she replied "NO, Natalee wears diapers!" I think we've made progress!
It won't let me type between my pictures--most of them are self explanatory...the 2nd one is Natalee sacking up her diapers!!

Now...on to the potty training.
Our first day ended in 7 hits and 7 misses. We set the timer and went every 10 minutes or so (that's a lot of pottying!!). We had 0 #2s on the potty (which means 2 in our panties) but woke up dry this morning and yesterday at nap! Just now she came to me and had started peeing in her panties but stopped herself. That's progress, right? We're using panties with plastic pants over them for during the day and pull-ups for nap and night. I've already done a load of "panty laundry". Overall, I'm proud of her--she's sitting on the potty like a big girl, our fits have been minimal, and she seems to care. Compared to a week ago when I asked her "Natalee, are you going to wear panties?" and she replied "NO, Natalee wears diapers!" I think we've made progress!
It won't let me type between my pictures--most of them are self explanatory...the 2nd one is Natalee sacking up her diapers!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Rounding the Corner to 1 Year
Xavier Micheal is rounding the bend to ONE YEAR OLD. (big tears!)
He's such a cross still between a baby and a little boy.
He can throw horrific fits.
He "gets" humor & likes to be funny.
He can say a lot but chooses to grunt.
- says "mama"
- "dada"
- "NENENE" (Natalee--and always as a loud exclamation!)
- "NONONONO!" (always as an exclamation)
- "up"
- "go-go"
- "yum-yum"
- Phrases we've heard once or twice but not since: amen, thank you, banana. When he speaks it's very clear, however he prefers the grunting (I DON'T).

He wears mostly 18 month clothes--the pants are baggy but 12 mo are too short.
He's in size 4-5 shoes and size 3 diapers (still!).
It seems he's slimming down a smidge and shooting up...his hair is still not growing much. :)
He's determined and headstrong--willing to take on his sister (yikes!).
He's dangerously adventurous (climbing, romping, crawling over whatever--hence the constant bruises on his head).

He's dirty--somehow always. Or sticky. One or the other.
He's understands 'kiss,' 'clap,' 'stand up,' and lots of other command type phrases.
His kisses are open mouthed and sometimes tongue-y, but he loves giving them.
He's lovey--loves to snuggle, be held, be played with, rocked, and (ahem) butt into mom & dad's bed in the middle of the night.
He's *almost* walking. Taking steps, getting braver, cruising (almost running) along furniture.
He's turning ONE in a few short days.

We love you Xavier (Xaber-do, Dufer-do, Xabie, SCAMP!). Don't grow up too fast.
He's such a cross still between a baby and a little boy.
He can throw horrific fits.
He "gets" humor & likes to be funny.
He can say a lot but chooses to grunt.
- says "mama"
- "dada"
- "NENENE" (Natalee--and always as a loud exclamation!)
- "NONONONO!" (always as an exclamation)
- "up"
- "go-go"
- "yum-yum"
- Phrases we've heard once or twice but not since: amen, thank you, banana. When he speaks it's very clear, however he prefers the grunting (I DON'T).

He wears mostly 18 month clothes--the pants are baggy but 12 mo are too short.
He's in size 4-5 shoes and size 3 diapers (still!).
It seems he's slimming down a smidge and shooting up...his hair is still not growing much. :)
He's determined and headstrong--willing to take on his sister (yikes!).
He's dangerously adventurous (climbing, romping, crawling over whatever--hence the constant bruises on his head).

He's dirty--somehow always. Or sticky. One or the other.
He's understands 'kiss,' 'clap,' 'stand up,' and lots of other command type phrases.
His kisses are open mouthed and sometimes tongue-y, but he loves giving them.
He's lovey--loves to snuggle, be held, be played with, rocked, and (ahem) butt into mom & dad's bed in the middle of the night.
He's *almost* walking. Taking steps, getting braver, cruising (almost running) along furniture.
He's turning ONE in a few short days.

We love you Xavier (Xaber-do, Dufer-do, Xabie, SCAMP!). Don't grow up too fast.

Monday, May 9, 2011
Need TIME!
OH how I need time to give updates on my sweet children. Pictures & videos and the like...
but 'tis about bedtime so a few short bullets will have to do!
but 'tis about bedtime so a few short bullets will have to do!
- said "bana" for banana tonight
- is pulling up and letting go (& he claps for himself and puts his "so big" arms up--he's just mere inches away from taking off!
- is being a very. finicky. eater
- is transitioning from formula to whole milk (and LOVES it)
- is undergoing serious signing/speaking training--he's a GRUNTER (frustrating!)
- has lots of bruises on his forehead (see above bullet about pulling up!)
- drinks great from a sippy cup but isn't completely weaned
- still gets up in the middle of the night--we are weaning the bottle from this wake-up routine! (pray for me!)
- loves his sissy, mommy, & daddy and clings tightly to us
- can throw a MEAN, ugly tantrum
- wears 18 month clothes, size 4 shoes & size 3 diapers
- is talking in full sentences
- is beginning to refer to herself as "I" instead of "Natalee"
- has taken a slight interest in her wardrobe
- can completely undress herself
- kicks off her shoes like a teenager (instead of sitting down and unstrapping them)
- is having a hard time transitioning to no socks, no pants (bare skin of summer!)
- has grown a full shoe size!
- wears 2T-3T shorts/pants and 4T or XS little girls tops, size 8 shoes
- has been biting again :(
- will start potty training on May 27th, much to her absolute dismay--this will be the last facet of her babyhood (no bottles, no binkies, no diapers!)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
That "ug" Feeling
You know how it feels to have a pretty decent day?--work goes well, the morning was smooth, the kids are healthy, the husband seems happy. And then someone dashes your feel good?
In non-descript words here's the situation...I made a judgment call and someone thought it was too harsh. In response I received a strictly toned, angry message. And I can't shake the "ug" feeling. The feeling of knowing I wasn't being intentionally harsh & didn't mean to upset anyone. That eaten up feeling of knowing someone's angry at me. The sad disappointment of having someone ignore my apology. And so, though I've made light of it and tried to laugh it off, I'm still 2 blinks away from tears knowing that I was just trying to do my best and it's gotten blown out of proportion.
Here's hoping that tomorrow I can clear the air, mend bridges, and move on.
In non-descript words here's the situation...I made a judgment call and someone thought it was too harsh. In response I received a strictly toned, angry message. And I can't shake the "ug" feeling. The feeling of knowing I wasn't being intentionally harsh & didn't mean to upset anyone. That eaten up feeling of knowing someone's angry at me. The sad disappointment of having someone ignore my apology. And so, though I've made light of it and tried to laugh it off, I'm still 2 blinks away from tears knowing that I was just trying to do my best and it's gotten blown out of proportion.
Here's hoping that tomorrow I can clear the air, mend bridges, and move on.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Steps Away From Taking Off
Tonight on April 19, 2011, Xavier Micheal started pulling up and letting go. STANDING ALONE! He's so proud he gets to clapping and cheering for himself that he plops down on his bottom but he doesn't let it keep him down long! What a joy to watch him accomplish this. Pictures and video to come but mama's too worn out from keeping him from getting any more big bruises tonight to post them now. (He pulled over an oak dining chair on his head at Lora Jean's and has 2 pretty good purple crash marks to show for it!).
We're proud of you, buddy! Too big too fast...
Love, Mama
We're proud of you, buddy! Too big too fast...
Love, Mama
Friday, April 15, 2011
Too Funny Not to Share
I received this in an email from a friend of mine...cracks me up!
We had this great 10 year old cat named Jack who just recently died.
Jack was a great cat and the kids would carry him around and sit on
him and nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all
day long on the mat in our bathroom. We have 3 kids and at the time
of this story they were 4 years old, 3 years old and 1 year old.
The middle one is Eli. Eli really loved chap stick. LOVED it. He
kept asking to use my chap stick and then losing it.
Finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom that I kept my
chap stick and explained he could use it whenever he wanted to but he
needed to put it right back in the drawer after he finished because I
used it sometimes several times a day.
That year, on Mother's Day, we were having the typical rush around to
try to get ready for church with everyone crying and carrying on. My
two boys are fighting over the toy in the cereal box.
I am trying to nurse my little one at the same time I am putting on
my make-up. Everything is a mess and everyone has long forgotten
that this is a wonderful day to honor me and the amazing job that is
We finally have the older one and the baby loaded in the car, and I
am looking for Eli. I have searched everywhere and I finally go into
the bathroom.
There was Eli. He was applying my chap stick very carefully to
Jack's rear end. Eli looked right into my eyes and said "chapped..."
Now if you have a cat, you know that he is right - their little
bottoms do look pretty chapped. And, frankly, Jack didn't seem to
mind. And the only question to ask at that point was whether it was
the FIRST time Eli had done that to the cat's behind or the
And THAT is my favorite Mother's Day moment ever, because it reminds
us that no matter how hard we try to civilize these glorious little
creatures, there will always be that day when you realize... they've
been using your chapstick on the cat's butt.
We had this great 10 year old cat named Jack who just recently died.
Jack was a great cat and the kids would carry him around and sit on
him and nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all
day long on the mat in our bathroom. We have 3 kids and at the time
of this story they were 4 years old, 3 years old and 1 year old.
The middle one is Eli. Eli really loved chap stick. LOVED it. He
kept asking to use my chap stick and then losing it.
Finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom that I kept my
chap stick and explained he could use it whenever he wanted to but he
needed to put it right back in the drawer after he finished because I
used it sometimes several times a day.
That year, on Mother's Day, we were having the typical rush around to
try to get ready for church with everyone crying and carrying on. My
two boys are fighting over the toy in the cereal box.
I am trying to nurse my little one at the same time I am putting on
my make-up. Everything is a mess and everyone has long forgotten
that this is a wonderful day to honor me and the amazing job that is
We finally have the older one and the baby loaded in the car, and I
am looking for Eli. I have searched everywhere and I finally go into
the bathroom.
There was Eli. He was applying my chap stick very carefully to
Jack's rear end. Eli looked right into my eyes and said "chapped..."
Now if you have a cat, you know that he is right - their little
bottoms do look pretty chapped. And, frankly, Jack didn't seem to
mind. And the only question to ask at that point was whether it was
the FIRST time Eli had done that to the cat's behind or the
And THAT is my favorite Mother's Day moment ever, because it reminds
us that no matter how hard we try to civilize these glorious little
creatures, there will always be that day when you realize... they've
been using your chapstick on the cat's butt.
whoas and whews
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Easter Outtakes
The funniest of funny...

I believe they are daring me to just try and take one more! (I didn't.)
Man, I love them!!
Natalee Cynthia,
Xavier Micheal
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