I love my girl and my boy. It's sweet having "one of each." I have a
blogger/sister friend who has a boy and girl and she recently blogged about how her family feels complete. I'm glad for her, that they feel full circle, and it's made me think really hard...
I have one of each. When we found out we were having Xabe, I HATED when people would say to me, "Aw, that will give you one of each and you can be done." Boo! What if my 2nd born would have been a girl? Would I have not been allowed to "be done?" And so what that I have one of each?
All this to say...don't be quick to put us in a "one of each"/"normal 4 person family" box. Because between you and me, we're thinking of taking a little break (maybe not be pregnant in 2011 since I was in 2008, 2009 & 2010), getting these 2 out of diapers and then going again! When I think about selling my baby things I feel absolutely devastated. The totes of clothes, the bouncy seat, the highchair, etc. When I think about never nursing again, no more pacis scattered about, never a diaper in my house again, I'm brokenhearted. We've talked about adopting and about having more naturally--both are equally fine avenues for me. And this isn't to say I might not change my mind in a few years...but probably not. And so, I might sell a few things now, and buy new/used later, but I won't be unloading everything...
Just look at them...

wouldn't you want to have more?