Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rockin' the Tie Dye!

aren't they darling? & they wore them to church b/c Jesus loves you whether you wear loud clothes or not!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two Months Old!

Ahhh, not all my pictures will load and I'm so very tired so I'm giving up...however here is my big 2 month old! I call him my uber chubby monkey...uber is the German for "the very best". He really is my best little sweet and funny, laid back and loving. He loves a good snuggle, but also loves a good stretch. He's a champion eater and good sleeper. He has a smile to die for and is starting to get rolls that are just kiss-a-licious! He's still wearing 0-3 month clothes and has been for about a month me he seems short in stature but sweet and round! He loves kisses from sis and funny voices from mama. He's daddy's little man. Life without him seems light years past. He fits perfectly into our lives and our hearts!
Happy 2 months, Xavier Micheal!

Monday, August 23, 2010

By a big... barn, in a great green field...

Natalee has quite a bedtime routine these days. Since we've started back to full time work for mom and dad she has to get up earlier which means she goes to bed earlier. By around 7:30 she's beat from her super fun day at Lora Jean's (pretty sure every day there is super fun) and she's looking for her "kankie" and "Cout". As we round them up and head over the gate and up the stairs she starts asking, "barn?" "tars?" These means that, once again, she hasn't forgotten about her new favorite book

(don't own it? you SHOULD!)

We have restricted her to reading it once through for bedtimes although we read it thousands of other times during the day (unless we forget it upstairs--he, he!). It's a good book and she LOVES IT! Can't beat a little pink pig learning to squeal and a field mouse being born in a field of corn!

Anyhow...after the book she'll be looking for her 'tars.' Shortly after Xavier was born 2 large boxes showed up on my porch from Cloud B company. There was no card attached so we didn't know who they were from. After determining they were intended for us (from a generous aunt of mine) we opened them up and inside were beautiful gifts. There was a giraffe gift set for Mr. Xabe--the Gentle Giraffe, a giraffe rattle, and a bamboo set of 3 burp cloths, swaddling blanket, and sleep sack.
And not forgotten was a gift for Miss Sis that she has fallen in love with--the Twilight Sea Turtle.

She has slanted ceilings in her room so the stars literally surround is pretty cool. The only rough part is that at 7:30 at night it's still pretty light out...and even with the new curtains I made for the kids' room the stars are hard to see. But she's not dissuaded.

And so, with those 2 items, a blankie, a sucker (pacifier), and her beloved Scout, she's out. I remember back when we were having trouble getting her to go down to sleep and I was wondering if she'd ever do it on her own. And finally Mike & I decided that when she was 16 we'd be wishing we could rock her one more time--so we gave up and rocked her to sleep. In the final weeks before I had Xavier we did begin patting her back when she woke up crying--always going in to comfort her but not getting her out of her bed anymore...and it worked (except when she's sick). But I'll be honest--sometimes in the wee hours of the morning if she wakes fussing we still let her climb between. It's our parenting style--not for everyone but definitely for us. Feet in our backs, tiny little head on our pillow...someday we'll surely miss this! But we're also proud of the big girl she's become and happy that she's comfortable going for naps and ni nights on her of the many ways she's proving to us that she's growing up.

Xavier is also gotten himself into a comfortable bedtime routine. After we put Natalee to bed he gets some one on two parent fun time. We lay on the floor and play with his giraffe toys (he has 2 different ones now!), have tummy time, make faces and chat! Around 8 he nurses, but since I've gone back to work my supply isn't great even with my herbal supplement (I also nurse him after work) so back to back feedings don't satisfy him quite enough. So around 9ish he takes a 5 ounce bottle. We keep him up a little longer, as he's always pretty cheery after his belly's full. He smiles and kicks around, often playing with daddy while I run through the shower. By 9:30-10:00 his eyes are growing heavy and he's ready for a snuggle and a binky. He drifts off--and on a good night he lasts until 5, sometimes only until 3:30 or 4:00. When he wakes he nurses and then if it's before 5 I drift back off for awhile--if not I force myself to get up while he gets to snooze. Already he's losing the "newborness" about him and turning into an infant. He's smiling, tracking with his eyes, recognizing our faces & voices and sleeping like a big boy.

We are so blessed by our good sleepers!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Xavier @ 7ish weeks

Oh my I see your sweet personality developing already. You are so gentle and complacent. Rarely do you complain...except when you are hungry & then it's no messing around!
You are a jokester already--full of smiles and coos (when you aren't sleeping). You are a good nurser and also take 3 bottles a day while mommy will be at work. You are very tolerant of your noisy but loveable big sister and love to stretch out on the floor (even though you have to be brave to stretch on the floor when sis is down there!). Your eyes are lightening up a bit--from dark, dark blue to a gentler color. When you are alert, you are very alert...and when you are sleepy you are very sleepy. You sleep for a 5-6 hour span at night, which is pretty good for a little guy.
You have VERY strong legs and when you are having tummy time you push yourself forward off of your blanket! You know our voices and faces and let us know you love us by smiling your big toothless smile.
We are head over heals in love with you!

such an ornery face for such a little guy!

matching outfits for the boys!

first full day for Xavier at Lora Jean's


so tolerant of your mommy's silly hats!

and her kisses!

Love you, Xavier Micheal!

Natalee @ 20 months

My have you gotten so big? And so ornery? And fun? There is no end to the things you are learning and doing these days. You got great reports from the ENT, allergist & physical therapist all in one week! We praise God for your good health! Your "itchies" are clearing up, although we don't know why--since we discovered it wasn't food that was causing them! Your ears are clear and you have no hearing loss! And the PT said your have made so much progress since she saw you last!...please know, sweet girl, that it hurts us, too, to have to make you stretch your sore ankles & to push you to "be brave" and try things on your own, but someday this will all be a distant memory for you. You'll be running and kicking and jumping & no one will know that it wasn't an easy journey for you.
Right now we are working on your colors and shapes with you. You love to use crayons, although you could care less whether you have paper or not (mommy cares!). You are crazy in love with Curious George and know no one else on the TV. You still love "Stout" and sleep with her, a blankie and a "sucker."
You are have learned to love your baby brother--you ask about him, check on him, and no longer cry when he cries. You take him his sucker and want to steal his bottles awfully bad. I know you will take care of him at Lora Jean's for mama. You've had a great summer & have gotten awfully attached to your grandma's, papas, aunts, uncle & cousins. I think you will be devastated when you Nauren goes back to college as she became a pretty constant figure for you when Daddy went to NYR. You believe all motorcycles are Papa Curtis and that mommy only gets out the egg carton if she's going to make you "cancakes" (pancakes). You love to pray at meals and repeat a boisterous "mamen" at the conclusion of the fact, you repeat everything you hear and talk nonstop. You are sassy and opinionated and we've had to tighten the discipline around here...and you are responding even though your stubborness makes it hard for you. You look more like mommy everyday & we love you very much!

heading to Lora Jeans

wondering if you can drive :)

learning is continual...
requires lots of thought...
but very rewarding!


Love you, Natalee Cynthia!


What better way to celebrate my 500th post than with pictures of me and my most precious treasures...

Updates on how the kids are growing coming soon!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Mama's Cuties

My kids are the cutest kids in the whole world. Every parent says that but in our house it's the absolute truth. Lesson learned.
Pictures of my sweeties...enjoy.

The Prince:

& the Princess:

speaking of Princesses, does anyone but me think the above princess is beginning to look more and more like this 1980's princess?:
I'm older than her in this picture but with her piggy tails and her chubby cheeks that get pink in the sunlight & heat she's sure getting there! So fun to see a bit of yourself in your child.

And last but not least, a couple pictures of Natalee's first experience in a bounce house. There were 2 other small tykes in there so I let her get in and she LOVED it! She was in heaven but she did mind me when I asked to come to me when it was time to get out (I'm not gonna lie--a little part of me was afraid I would have to embarrass myself and get in there to get her out b/c she was having so much fun!). We're trying to convince daddy that it would be good physical therapy to own a bounce house...wonder if I can get a doctor to write us a script!?
lol--I believe the bow clips in backwards would be Gma Numma Nums handiwork...*sigh* at least they aren't yarn bows!
by the way--ever tried to take a picture of a 20 mo old in a bounce house with 2 other 2 year olds? not easy...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hello Big Smile!

