Saturday, October 31, 2009

In Response

In response to the following comment regarding my post about Halloween:

The word Samhain as in the article "Halloween and Sanhain Feast" Samhein is just a different name for Satan. Secondly, the all about God website is a secular Christian website. Biblically speaking, God specifically warns against celebrating Pagan holidays. Just because something starts as a pagan holiday and then is sugar coated doesn't mean it's ok to celebrate it because they've changed a few of the details. The underlying reason for the holiday being created was still Satanic. Trick or treat is a practice from the satanic version of the holiday.
Some thing that start evil cant be changed to good, really your still involving yourself in a once pagan holiday. Of course many different people will come up with the it isn't bad now thing because turning away is alot harder than finding away to be a part of sin.
My family will no longer take part in the pagan created holidays.

Firstly, thank you for your comment. I'd like to defend my family by asking that you not assume that we don't turn from sin or that we take the easy road. All decisions we make for ourselves and our daughter are prayed about and God led. Perhaps our choices don't match yours but that stems from different upbringing & what we feel our answer to prayer is. Maybe our minds will change later in life, but for now we are comfortable with our decision and don't feel as though God will be frowning down on us tonight. For if what we do is in His glory then why should we feel anything but peace? Also, I'd like to reiterate that, as with all things, this night can be what you make it.

Regarding the comment from Breanna...
Thank you for your kind words. I applaud you finding an alternate way to have some family fun since the holiday crosses with your family's eating preferences. I agree that teaching our children why we do certain things is so very important (and hard!).

Lastly, I would ask that, should you choose to comment anonymously on my blog, that you at least sign your name with your comment. I am open to opposing viewpoints but appreciate the respect of you leaving your identity.

A Christian Mother's View on Halloween

Halloween is a holiday that rolls in my mind for weeks leading up to it. In all aspects of life I want to be sure that I'm not doing things to bring shame upon God. So, a few days ago when I received a podcast from a Facebook friend that labeled Halloween as nothing but a satanic holiday I began to question again. Mike and I have had many a discussion about this holiday--he loves everything about it and I'm kind of indifferent, however I love the fun for the children. And so I did a little research of my own. I truly believe that you can find anything on the Internet to back up what you want to believe so instead of looking for something to back up the fact that I wanted someone to tell me Halloween is okay, I googled phrases such as, 'halloween and christians,' 'history of christian halloween,' and just plain 'halloween,' etc. Most of the websites I read sadi that Halloween actually does have a Christian origin. One article on was written very plainly and was easy for me to read and understand...

It starts by clarifying that Halloween actually comes from the Celts and was two-fold in was a celebration on the Eve of Nov 1st to commemorate deceased relatives and to ward off evil spirits by dressing as witches, goblins, etc.
This seemed and little satanic in nature to me and when I read it I though, "uh, oh...what am I going to do with all of the candy I bought?"
Then I kept reading....

Christian History of Halloween – Missionary Involvement
The Lord had different plans for the Celt’s and during the second century He sent a few missionaries to England and Ireland to convert the people to Christianity. When the Christian missionaries journeyed from Europe and arrived in the land of the Celt’s, the Druids, after hearing the Gospel, became eager for all their people to become Christians and to denounce their pagan gods and practices such as superstitiously appeasing and cast off evil demon spirits. In time, they adapted and combined the tradition of their feast on November 1 and “all Hallows Eve” together with the Gospel. The Christian monks decided it would be an effective way to share the Gospel and to dispel and lay to rest the Celt’s superstition about ghosts and evil spirits. That Christ, their Creator and Savior, defeated Satan, death, and evil at the cross and through Him alone, evil demons were powerless and would flee.

Halloween and the Samhain Feast also provided an opportunity to be reminded of or learn about Christian heroes and martyrs along with the Celt‘s continuing to officially recognize and commemorate the souls of their blessed dead who had been declared saints.

Many scholars agree that the commemoration of saints on November 1 first originated in Ireland, spread from there to England, and then to the continent of Europe with the rise of Christianity. By the ninth century, the Roman Catholic Church adopted the Celt’s Halloween tradition and Pope Gregory IV sent out an official letter of notification urging that Halloween be observed in harmony with All Saints Day throughout the Roman Empire.

Halloween is derived from the term All Hollows Eve and "Hallomass," meaning Holy evening.

And I realized that inevitably Halloween can be what you make it. You can make it a satanic day of worship, or you can learn about the real meaning behind it & choose to celebrate and give thanks to the Christian heroes and martyrs who have gone before us and paved the way for us.

And so, in our house, we'll be teaching Natalee the meaning behind Halloween, just as we teach her the true meaning of Christman, and we'll be allowing her to participate as long as she likes.
(for Halloween Parenting Tips click HERE)
As parents we've made the decision that she won't be dressing as a satanic symbol at any age--witch, goblin, etc., lest someone question our beliefs, but that there is no harm in dressing as a princess, an angel, a favorite Disney character, Bible character, or (like this year) a ladybug. Next year we may consider a more Christian "treat" to hand out to those who come to our door, but we will be handing out treats.

Like I can be what you make it and at our house--as with all things we do--we'll strive to make it as God focused as we can. Will little ghosts & goblins come to our door tonight? Of course. And so I'll pray that they know the Lord and I'll continue working to reach every one of them through the church's children program.
And as for me and my house...we will serve the Lord. And they'll know we are Christians by our love...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The Ladybug

Saturday, October 24, 2009

In Light of Recent Sickness...

Will all the H1N1 & other flu viruses going around there are a few things I'm glad I don't have to do without! We opted not to do the vaccine for any of the flu viruses. It's not that I think we won't get the's just a personal decision. However, I am grateful for a few things in my life that make us, especially Natalee, come in contact with less germs.

I would never use this on Natalee because it's alcohol based and could be dangerous if she licked her hands (which she most assuredly will do) but I use it frequently. I never pick her up from Lora Jean's without having either washed my hands (my preference) or rubbing myself down with this.
Ahh, our stroller. Our saving grace that means, as long as there is 2 of us going grocery shopping (one to push this, one to push the cart), that she doesn't even have to breath near a cart! God bless you comfy stroller!

My shopping cart cover. Yep, I'm THAT mom. I invested in this beauty from One Step Ahead and it is truly the easiest shopping cart cover to put on, it throws in the wash when we get home, it has it's own over the should harness, side pockets, toy loops, (I could go on) if I am by myself Natalee is still protected. We also use it at restaurants to cover the highchairs.

We also use lots of baby wipes, throw lots of toys in the dishwasher or run them through a Clorox sink, and spray Lysol frequently.

Tell me, what are your "no germs" saving graces? What keeps you sane (and healthy) during this outrageous flu seasons?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hi Daddy...Day Two

Morning, Daddy! I was wonderful last night! I've become Mommy's little shadow while you were gone and like to follow here everywhere--even to the potty! Mommy laid me down for bed after books & a bottle and I went to sleep all by myself again with out a fuss. Mommy thinks you make me naughty because you spoil me. I slept upstairs again but didn't make a peep all night! I slept from 8 o'clock to 6:20 in the morning when mommy had to wake me up to get dressed for Lora Jean's. Today I'm wearing my jack-o-lantern's so warm mommy didn't make me wear my heavy coat but she did put my orange stocking hat on to protect my ears.
When mommy dropped me off this morning I started waving bye bye to her before she had barely got my coat off...I was ready to start my fun day at Lora Jean's and was super hungry for breakfast! Grandma Cindy is coming all the way over to pick me up today and I get to go to her house and play!! I can't wait to see you tonight. I love you!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Good Morning, Daddy!

I've been a very good girl for Mommy so far. I drank a big bottle before bedtime just like I was starving, even though I ate all day long! I went to bed all by myself and even put myself to sleep. I only cry in my bed when you are here because I know you'll come get me and let me sleep on the couch with you.

I slept in my pack-n-play until 5 o'clock, when I had a bad dream and woke up sad. Mommy let me sleep with her until she got up and then I slept in your bed by myself. I slept on your side! Mommy had to wake me up at 6:20 to dress me so we could go.
We made it to Lora Jean's in good time and I was very happy to see her! She had breakfast ready, which was good because I was hungry again! I'm hungry a lot lately. You better look for some 24 month clothes for me while you are gone because I'm outgrowing my other ones already!

I love you very much. Have fun but not too much fun. Mommy & I miss you already. See you soon!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Family Photos

The past 2 weekends have been full of family & family portraits. Last weekend was the Beeler family and this weekend we did the Tallman's! On Mike's side they do pictures of all the grandkids kids on his dad's side of the family...which is a manageable group considering there are just 4 grandkids. We, of course, do some immediate family pictures, too, while we are all there and dressed.
On my side we just did my immediate family...had we tried to do all of my first cousins on the Tallman's side we would have ended up with upwards of 60 people, considering I'm one in 24 grandchildren!

Here's a sneak peak of the pictures...for the whole kit and kaboodle head on over to my photography blog or click on the picture of the family you want to see more of and it'll take you there...

My Thoughts on Baptizing a 5 Year Old

She's too young. That's what I would have said a year or two ago.

Today, I'll stand before you and testify that the light of Jesus lives in my 5 year old niece and she's not too young. She gets it...more so than many adults.

Does she know what real sin is? Sure she does. She understands the real sin in her 5 year old life---sassing mom, not listening to dad, telling a lie. She also understands that she knows enough to not want to go to hell. It's not a morbid fear--her fear of hell--it's a biblical fear. It's that fear that we get when we know the difference between living for God and living for ourselves. It's not as much a fear of hell, as it is a respectful fear of the power of God.

When she asked a year ago, Emma's parents told her that they would pray about it, think about it, and that maybe she should wait a little while until she was older. And they did, and she did. They prayed, they talked, she grew, she waited. A year later, she's still determined--set in her passion and love for Christ--that she knows what she's doing.

Will her relationship with Christ need nurturing?

Does my relationship with Christ need nurturing?
for certain

Might she have to make another decision in later years when she matures some and understands in a different way what it means to live for Jesus?

Did I?
absolutely...not publicly, but about 5 years ago I had to make this decision in my heart, with my prayer partners

And so, is a 5 year old too young to baptize?
For most, probably.

For Emma?
not at all

Because Jesus didn't say, "come follow me ye who are 10 and over."

He said, "those who really believe in Me..."

and she really believes...just ask her...
and today she is excited to enter into this union with Christ and become Jesus' Princess...

(photo courtesy of Mandie Replogle @ Replogle Studios)

And so I ask you really believe?
Are you living for Him, with the faith of a child, or are you living for you?

If you aren't living for Him, or don't know what that means, might I invite you to contact a Christian church in your area, myself, or another faithful friend?

It's never too late...Jesus loves you just like he loves Emma.

The sun is shining, the water is warm, the church is alive...

So please, won't you join us?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tallman Family Photos

 I had the privilege of working with my own family this weekend. And all I can say is, "WOW!" (the good form of wow, of course!). Despite being unable to get 3 kids to perform all at once, I still think we got some good shots. Notes for the future...feed the baby chocolate & ice cream for optimal mood enhancement, take a valium, turn down the heat!  (some photos courtesy of Erin Tallman)