Friday, August 28, 2009

for Lorn Lorn (& crawling videos)

A little birdie told me that Lauren would like me to be better about updating pictures of my Natalee on Facebook...however, since I can't do that at work, even on my planning time (because the tech guy won't let us on Facebook), I'll have to add a couple here and she'll have to make do. And she's right...I do take pictures of the Bean everyday--usually at least one before we leave the house. And so, since all I have is my little camera she'll just have to suffice with these...

first day at Miss Laura Jean's...our new baby sitter

a week ago

this morning
(recognize the jacket, Nannie?)

Last night the Bean took her first crawling "steps" (what do you call them when it's crawling?). I was trying to tape her clicking her tongue, which was her newest trick, when all of the sudden she pushed off and went 1-2 "steps". I was dumbfounded & didn't even realize it until it was all said and done.

In this video I'm the one clicking my tongue...trying to get her to do it which I don't think she ever did. She crawled a wee bit at the end of the video.

In this video she is the one clicking her tongue & then at the end she sees her binky on the floor and army crawls to it. Strong girl! Watch her feet at about 1 min 29 seconds...she gets really aggrevated because she can't reach it and starts kicking...ah, if only she were a fish!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The B.I.B.L.E.

Do you have a Bible that you love? Bibles can be pretty expensive...not expensive when you consider they hold the key to all life's secrets but pricey when you think about groceries, formula & diapers. I'd had my eye on a Message/NIV parallel Bible for a looong time. I wanted it but couldn't justify buying it--I already had a Bible that was all marked up with all of my notes in it...what would I do with a new one? would I transfer my notes?...what would I do with my old one?--that kind of stuff. Not to mention the other things that I knew I could buy with that $60-$70.
Mike caught wind of my "want" (okay, I'm sure I'm as subtle as a freight train) and when we were in Colorado he took me to a Family Christian Store. I began browsing the Bibles and fell in love with a pink leather bound parallel just like I wanted. Silly, huh? The internal message is the same no matter what the outside looks like but golly did I want that Bible. And so, my husband conceded, quickly realizing my want (and caring) and justifying that The Message version is good to have around to help explain scripture to others. And when I went to check out?...the original price of over $60 was on sale--a sign we didn't see--and the Bible was $15 off! God's blessing on my new purchase!
And I LOVE it! It's completely rejuvenated my scripture reading...not only do I love that it's leather bound (and pink) but I love the parallel.
I understand so much more and am able to interpret meaning behind scripture. I began taking notes right in the Bible as soon as I got it (which was hard for me to do with my old one--that old "don't write in books mantra") and it already feels like I've had it forever.

I have a feeling that this Bible and I will become good friends over the years. A friend who always tells me like it is, leads me in the right direction and picks me up when I've fallen. A friend who reminds me that I'm loved by the One and Only and belong to a Kingdom greater than I'll ever imagine here. Yup...we'll be the bestest of buds.

So now, I'm curious--do you have a Bible that you LOVE and if so what version is it? If not, might I recommend the NIV/Message Parallel? Or if you have one & you're not sure you love it, might I recommend that you make it "yours"? Write it in, love on it, take it with you, read it, highlight things that apply to you personally...own it! It's a guide to be used, not a shrine to be sat on a shelf. It should, of course, be treated with respect but it's not simply the bound pages that we should treat with such's the Man who wrote them. He gave it to you to use as a guide and I believe he smiles when your Book is well worn with use and love.

So friends, here's praying you've found the Bible for you and that, if you haven't, you'll look for it, but more importantly you'll use it & be blessed because of it!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tinfoil Trauma

Soooo, Natalee and I decided to make breakfast this morning. I sat her on the counter after getting out all the stuff we needed to make monkey bread and busied myself putting the sugar & butter on the stove, all the while keeping one hand on her--keeping her safe, being mom of the year. I heard a crinkle, crinkle and realized she was playing with the tinfoil that was covering a dessert I'd made earlier in the week. I scolded her and took it away and turned back to stir the saucepan on the stove. Out of no where I heard her start coughing and sputtering and quickly turned back to her. I couldn't see anything she'd been into and couldn't figure out what she had eaten. As I was trying to figure out what she had I glanced at the pan I'd moved away from her and realized that there was a hole in the middle of the tinfoil. Poo!
I picked her up, ran into her bedroom (where there is a baby monitor that feeds upstairs) and yelled for Mike, who was in bed. He barrelled down the stairs and as I explained what she'd done he pulled her from me and did the absolute right thing. The thing I should have thought of but couldn't process. As he was pounding on her back and pointing her head down she stopped coughing and started struggling and turning blue. Mike told me to call his dad, who was on ambulance duty, so I did and somehow got across what I needed after Sara answered. By this time Mike was sitting on the couch beating on Natalee's back. Finally she started trying to vomit and began crying...blessed, blessed crying (me too, just in case you were wondering). The medics came in and checked her out, listened to her lungs & watched her eat breakfast and we called Nurse Paula & Dr. Rick to get their opinion on what we should do. She's doing fine, of course, because babies are resilient like that...however this mama needs put back on her heart pills & needs a bottle of lady l'oreal after all that...and all before 9 o'clock a.m.
So thank you Phil & Jodi for rushing over and an even bigger thanks to Super Daddy who reacted with calm and finesse in an emergency. I've wondered all day if I would have been by myself if I would have been able to remember what to do. I'm CPR trained, as are all school employees, and my head knew what to do but my heart wouldn't let me think. It's times like this when I truly realize that God never gives us more than we can handle...He knew I couldn't handle it but He also knew Mike could.
Needless to say, we're waiting for a shiny diaper in the Beeler household this week because, like most things in life, this too shall pass...

oh, sorry...I just couldn't resist!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Beginnings...

School is back in full swing, Natalee's going to a WONDERFUL new daycare provider (more about that later)....changes are happening around us a mile a minute! But tonight, probably one of the most memorable and important changes is taking place. Tonight we kissed my baby sister and told her good luck and sent her away to college. Well, not quite like that...we ate supper, had a loud boisterous evening of family fun, then hugged and kissed, and she moves in tomorrow.
Colby cried, Emma got watery eyes, Natalee look confused (and tired), and me?...I was brave. Very brave. I didn't front of anyone. Silly, I know. She's only 1 1/2 hours away. It's just different. A good different for experiences, new friends, a new town...but different all the same. So, Aunt Lorn Lorn...we're very proud of you--tonight and always and we know you'll do great! Study hard, stay away from boys, and (in the words of dad) don't do anything stupid! Love you, sis!
(side note: Please ignore how very tired Andrea and I look. We had our first day of school with students today and we are...well, that tired!)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sketti Dinner

Okay, I promise...I'll do the rest of the vacation pictures soon. But for now....

We've been feeding Natalee more and more table food and last night I made spaghetti. We tried to give it to her at NYR and she told her Aunt Lorn Lorn, "no, no, no" and wouldn't eat it. So last night I made her a plate and put homemade baby foods on it but also included spaghetti. She LOVED it and is very good at slurping the noodles. I didn't get a good video of her sucking a noodle up but still captured her enjoying her sketti! Ahhh, how did she get so big so fast?

Align Center

The "mommy's a good cooker" line comes from when Colby was little. He used to tell my mom, "grandma, you a GOOD cooker!" Her smiles and grins could make you feel like Chef Boyardee, when in reality sketti's not too hard! God bless her!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My Little Indian Baby

Okay, so it's not politically correct, but here's my baby girl doing the Indian call that Grandma Cindy taught her. She's a big 8 months old, now! Sooo big!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Vacation--The First Leg

Well, we left the morning of the 16th--my dad's birthday. We didn't get gone as early as I wanted because I FORGOT TO SET MY ALARM! Can you believe it? Anyhow, by 6:30 be were headed out of Lancaster. By Bethany The Bean was ready for breakfast so we stopped and had a bite and then traveled on. Natalee traveled great the whole day. We took it easy, stopped for breaks when we wanted, and had a great time. For the first time, I didn't sleep at all and realized how much I enjoy visiting with my husband.
We stopped in Topeka at a wonderful park. For a $1 each we had a nice little train ride & then walked around a bit.

We got to Chad & Laurie's in Garden City after suppertime and got Natalee settled into bed and then chatted until after midnight!

The next day the Ulrich's showed us around their town--we toured both campuses of their church, took a nice walk, and then went over to the zoo (and hit a yard sale but that's beside the point!). We were mesmerized by the size of their church facility. What a blessing to have adequate classrooms, a gym, and industrial kitchen!

When we got to the zoo someone nearby looked at the clouds and commented that we'd have an hour before the rain hit. I think we had about 30 minutes. What we saw of it was awesome, though. Such a nice zoo to have access to! Anyhow...we ran back to the vans, threw in kids, wagons & strollers (although a good KS wind did try to take my stroller away!) and headed home. We'd barely made it in the car and started driving when I heard the thumps--hail! The storm was fast and furious (and kinda cool) but definitely flooded the streets of Garden City. The hail was so thick in places that it looked like snow. So Natalee had 2 firsts on this day--first time at a zoo & first hail! Needless to say when we got back out of the car after the 10 minute drive to the Ulrich's house from the zoo Natalee was a little chilly in her sundress!
have I mentioned how much I love zoos? these 3 little lion cubs were born in March!the above picture is of the sudden flooding from the the background is the older of the 2 buildings that make up the Ulrich's church facilitiesThat evening we had yummy supper of grilled steak and HOMEMADE ice cream. Laurie made a super easy, no-cook recipe that her mother-in-law gave her (1 quart half-n-half, 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 4-5 Tablespoons vanilla) that was delicious and then she chopped Reese's Peanut Butter cups into, YUM!

We bedded down the kiddos and Laurie and I went out for a drive while the big boys played Wii until the wee hours of the morning.

The next morning (Saturday) it was time to say good-bye. Our stay seemed short (to me...probably longer when you are the one whose home is being invaded!). I'll ever be thankful for getting to see the Ulrich's new lives!
helping daddy map out the next route

Vacation Part 2...coming up when I have time!

Saturday, August 1, 2009


...details to follow!