Do you have a Bible that you love? Bibles can be pretty expensive...not expensive when you consider they hold the key to all life's secrets but pricey when you think about groceries, formula & diapers. I'd had my eye on a Message/NIV parallel Bible for a looong time. I wanted it but couldn't justify buying it--I already had a Bible that was all marked up with all of my notes in it...what would I do with a new one? would I transfer my notes?...what would I do with my old one?--that kind of stuff. Not to mention the other things that I knew I could buy with that $60-$70.
Mike caught wind of my "want" (okay, I'm sure I'm as subtle as a freight train) and when we were in Colorado he took me to a Family Christian Store. I began browsing the Bibles and fell in love with a pink leather bound parallel just like I wanted. Silly, huh? The internal message is the same no matter what the outside looks like but golly did I want that Bible. And so, my husband conceded, quickly realizing my want (and caring) and justifying that The Message version is good to have around to help explain scripture to others. And when I went to check out?...the original price of over $60 was on sale--a sign we didn't see--and the Bible was $15 off! God's blessing on my new purchase!
And I LOVE it! It's completely rejuvenated my scripture reading...not only do I love that it's leather bound (and pink) but I love the parallel.
I understand so much more and am able to interpret meaning behind scripture. I began taking notes right in the Bible as soon as I got it (which was hard for me to do with my old one--that old "don't write in books mantra") and it already feels like I've had it forever.
I have a feeling that this Bible and I will become good friends over the years. A friend who always tells me like it is, leads me in the right direction and picks me up when I've fallen. A friend who reminds me that I'm loved by the One and Only and belong to a Kingdom greater than I'll ever imagine here. Yup...we'll be the bestest of buds.
So now, I'm curious--do you have a Bible that you LOVE and if so what version is it? If not, might I recommend the NIV/Message Parallel? Or if you have one & you're not sure you love it, might I recommend that you make it "yours"? Write it in, love on it, take it with you, read it, highlight things that apply to you personally...own it! It's a guide to be used, not a shrine to be sat on a shelf. It should, of course, be treated with respect but it's not simply the bound pages that we should treat with such's the Man who wrote them. He gave it to you to use as a guide and I believe he smiles when your Book is well worn with use and love.
So friends, here's praying you've found the Bible for you and that, if you haven't, you'll look for it, but more importantly you'll use it & be blessed because of it!