Sunday, October 22, 2023

Xavier's Baptism

And all of Heaven rejoices....
So grateful for Xavier's decision to follow Christ and his public declaration of that choice this morning at worship service!
We are so thankful for pastors, friends, and family who have poured into Xavier's life.
Thank you to our friends and family who celebrated with us today, both in person and via livestream.
(Xavier's Baptism is at one hour and fifteen minutes.)

What a privilege to get a front row seat to Xavier's life.  Keep your feet on the right path, Buddy.  We believe in you and can't wait to see how God uses you.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

WPU Homecoming 2023

I think every year since we've been in Iowa WPU homecoming has either been rainy or cold, but this year brought a pretty lovely day for football, despite the high winds.
The Fross crew came for lunch and then we "football'd" together...
The Simms fam found us and with over a dozen kids it's debatable on how much football we actually collectively watched but we sure had a good time.  
Sweet memories for our hearts to hold onto... {but also, our team lost-lol}.