Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

I tried to take sweet, docile, ni-night pictures of my daughter. She had supper, bath, jammies...was pretty sleepy. I got everything set up & laid her down...and she's wide eyed! This is what I got. They aren't sweet ni-night pictures but she was pretty hammy...

this is her 'yeah right, mama' face...she's chattering a mile a minute!

then she played a little peek-a-boo...her new trick is to pull the blanket over her face when we first put it on her.

i'm good, mommy...still here!

then we had this face...oh yeah, i think i'm wearing her down
(honestly, could those eyes be any wider?)

so I turned her on her tummy...but let's not lay heady down and look all sleepy, let's chew on our delicious fingers!

and, awww, I had some more darling pictures but they won't load. GRRRR! another time...


This is harder to write about than I thought it would be but I'm a needin' some help. My Natalee seems to have developed a hypersensitivity to many noises. Clanks and crashes, deep voices, vacuums, church music, etc. Lately at church her arms just flap around and her whole body jumps when the music is playing--a couple of months ago you would find her sleeping right through it. I've always run the vacuum around her--the last few weeks it causes her to cry if no one holds her while I do it and shake but not cry if one of us holds her. Deep voices--even if one of us makes our voice go deeper--cause her to frown and sometimes cry. Clanking the plates and bowls while we empty the dishwasher terrifies her. Last night, I was getting her jammies on and changing her diaper. Her dad was in the kitchen doing something and he clanked a bowl. The minute that bowl clanked she started screaming to beat the band. She'd been perfectly happy before that, chattering away at me as I changed her, but this scream--this was the type of scream that makes you, as the mommy, want to cry. The "I'm hurt/scared" scream. The "worse than when I get my shots" scream. It was unlike anything she's ever done before. Fearing that something was poking/scratching her in her jammies, since I'd just put them on, I stripped her back down to nothing and still she screamed. I couldn't imagine that the clank had caused her that much fear, but I don't know what else it could have been. The minute that bowl clanked, her arms flew up in startle reflex and she let loose. It was truly heartbreaking for me. I finally got her calmed down and when she was over it she was over it. I put her jammies and diaper on and she chattered again on the changing table. Like nothing had happened. But something did. My 'mommy alarm' is going off but I don't know what to do.
Seeking advice...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

never too old to have a first...

I experienced a 'first' for me last night. After work Mike & I got Natalee and drove up to Cantril, IA to the Dutchman's Store to look at their fabric, specifically their fleece. I was going on a tip I got from one of my co-workers that the selection was vast and I'd have lots to choose from...especially compared to Wal-Mart, which is the only other option around here. And choices I did have! Now, if I would have been buying for a boy, the choices would have been even more tenfold, but there was still lots to choose from for the ladies I was buying for and the prices were very comparable to Wal-Mart. The whole store was an experience...where else on earth would you find homemade sorgum sitting next to Nesquik on a shelf? They had bulk groceries, hanging plants, garden seed, dried fruits, organic soil, disposable diapers, homemade clothing, candy bins, quilts, fabric, fabric, and more fabric, and lots more. I had a really good time just looking around at everything they had to offer. I didn't take any pictures inside the store because it is owned by Mennonites and I didn't want to offend them with my camera, but I did take one of the sign outside.

The store takes up a whole city block! It's huge and was very, very busy!!

After we left, Mike & I toured the rest of the town of Cantril. It took about 2 minutes. We did find the library/city hall/fire station...yep--three very diverse businesses all in one building. All I can say is, ONLY IN IOWA! They also still have an old Township Hall which was a neat little building to look at. Cantril is quite the metropolis--it has a bank, feed store, lumberyard, restaurant, churches...everything you could need!

If ever you are in need of fabric--fleece, flannel, just about anything--I recommend you head on up to the Dutchman's Store. It's an experience you won't regret!! Thanks, Lori...I had a blast!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

One of the sororities in our town puts on a tea for the high school senior girls every year. It used to be mostly just the girls, their moms and their grandmothers that went but as the years have passed more "extended" family members attend. My baby sister is a senior this year so all the gals in the family (grandma, mom, my older sister & niece, plus me and my daughter) suited up and went to tea. A few pictures from the day...

L to R: the 'senior' Lauren holding Emma, Grandma Ann, Mom (Cindy), Andrea, me (Jenn) with my [very sleepy] 4 month old, Natalee

Aunt Lauren with Emma

Aunt Lauren with Natalee

us 3 girls & mom:
Lauren (the baby), Cindy (the mother), Andrea (the oldest), Jenn (the middle one--that's me!)

A girl who knows enough to love and respect her mama is a girl who will go far in life and succeed!

the senior girls who attended the tea
(my sister would be the tallest one in the back!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I was reminded today why I do what I do...

Because someday that tough little guy who acts like he 'don't need nobody' will need you.
He'll need to crawl up on your lap and cry and cry and cry.
And then he'll need you to let him put his macho shell back on, because that's the way he deals with life.

And your heart will be so broken that you'll need to go to your boss's office and have a cry of your own.
And you'll need to pray for that child, because no one else is.

That's why I do what I do...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

well I'll be jiggered

that's right, jiggered! do any of you remember a year ago in March-April when I had the mysterious rash that showed up? we thought it was chicken pox, impetigo, every infectious disease under the sun. today, while looking up baby yeast infections online (another post in itself) I totally stumbled across the answer to my questionable spots last year.

now, if you do the math, you'll realize that I was pregnant (just barely) at the time I got the "spots." no one EVER told me about this (I mean, I even went to doctors!) but apparently there is a rash called PUPPPS. that's right--Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy. for some it occurs at the beginning of pregnancy...for some at the end. it means nothing--not life threatening, nothing but annoying. and get this--it's the most common rash among pregnant women! someone should tell the medical people around here or the ob's in ottumwa :)

ahhh, the journey that is my life!

NO Dog Piles!

So, this afternoon I had my window open...soaking in a little Vitamin D, breathing some fresh O2. All of the sudden I hear...feel, actually... this burst of energy come in my window. Oh, yeah...kindergarten was on the loose. Spring is a springing and these little critters are happy to be free after a long winter. Both kindergarten teachers let their classes come out to run and play and blow off the germs.

I got a kick out of standing at the window watching them and listening to their joyous little shrieks of happiness. I also got a kick out of the occasional whistle blow, followed by Mrs. Bish yelling, "No, dog piles! I said NO dog piles!"

Got to love a spring day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hi, Daddy!

We miss you! Love, Natalee & Jenn

More Easter Pictures

A few more Easter pictures of all 3 kiddos!

Natalee (#1)

Colby & Emma (#2)

Colby & Emma (#3)

Colby (#4)

Trio (#5)

Trio (#6)

Emma (#7)

Colby (#8)

Emma (#9)

Colby & Emma (#10)

I Wanted to Cry

This morning I was the epitomy of single mothering (Mike's at a training in Columbia).

I was up, ready, packed my lunch, packed Natalee's food, made myself a little breakfast to eat on my drive to Memphis.

It was 10 till 7...I was doing great.

Natalee was still sleeping so I decided to carry everything to the car & give her every opportunity to get her sleep out that she could have.

Grabbed my lunch, her food bag, my breakfast cup of milk.

Promptly wiggled when I shoulda waggled and dumped aforementioned glass of milk (did I mention it was chocolate?) all over pants, in my shoes, on my end table, my rug, my door, my floor.

Perhaps dumped doesn't cover it...sloshed then dumped more aptly describes what happened.

I didn't cry, didn't curse, in fact, I didn't do anything for a full 15 seconds.

Then I stripped off my pants (yes, with my front door open--sorry Shelly's parents & other neighbors), grabbed the towels in the downstairs bathroom (sorry Natalee's sweet little baby towels) & proceeded to mop my floor.

20 minutes later the washer's running with lots of soiled towels, I've changed my britches, thrown the milk cup in the sink & loaded the car.

I went and got my sweet baby out of bed & dressed her. The day was shot so I gave her a little extra I was going to be on time at this point.

Loaded her & got on the road...called my boss & told her I would be a smidgen (or lota bit) late.

I wanted to cry, but I didn't...

...until I got in the van.

*sigh* how many more days until my husband comes home?

Monday, April 13, 2009

I love...

...lazy days after a long weekend. My washer's churning, the baby's sleeping, I'm accomplishing small things that have been waiting for attention & I might get my scrapping stuff out later and spread it all over my table since Mike will be gone all week.

Mike & his dad are re-keying all of our locks so that they all match & we have one for the front door (we didn't have one for the front...only locked from the inside). This will make things so much easier for me while Mike's gone. Last time he was gone I had to park the van, go in through the big garage door, wind around to the downstairs door that we had a key for, unlock it, trek up the stairs & through the house, unlock the front door & go back out to the van to get Natalee out. Whew...or drag her with me in her car seat while I did all those other steps. Either way...whew! So, I'm thankful for new, matching locks!

Enjoy your day...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

4 months, Easter, & more

Whew, what a crazy busy life we are living! My baby girl turned 4 months old this week. I know, I can't believe it either! I wish she'd stop growing so darn fast!

Yesterday we had our first appointment with the manipulative massage. She did very well and he thinks it will help with some of the drainage problems she's having and the resistance she has to turn her head to the left. She massaged her for about 45 minutes...mommy's jealous; I'd love a good massage!

After the manipulation, we stopped by the nursing home for the Easter egg hunt that they have for the kids and grandkids of the employees. Grandma Cindy did a good job organizing it and Natalee got lots of goodies. She had her first taste of a sucker...just a couple licks, though, before her mean old mom made her throw it away.
We went home for awhile & Natalee took a nap & then we ran out to Andrea & Vance's for supper. Natalee got Easter goodies from Grandma, Papa & the Aunties/Uncle & cousins. She's such a lucky girl. She got 2 fun board books (a taggies Pat-a-Cake that she thought was pretty funny & a Big & Little book with doggies on the front), a shirt about cute aunties from Nannie, and an awesome barn with 6 animals that make sounds from Grandma & Papa. I'm pretty in love with the barn, myself!
Today, we went back to Nannie & Vance's to visit with cousins of mine who are back for Easter. It was a nice relaxing morning and we had a great time...Natalee just chilled & was in a pretty good mood and I had a good time visiting with family. Then we booked it out for a baby shower for a friend of mine who is due in May.

Finally Natalee and I got home and were ready to kick back and rest and Mike decided we should all take a walk. So we geared up and walked over to his grandma's and visited with his aunt & uncle.

Natalee snuggled with Uncle Denny & Aunts Penny & Boots & Great-Grandma Betty. She was in a great mood while we were there. When we left we headed over to the church to set up tables for Sonrise breakfast & to get the nursery ready for a busy day tomorrow. Natalee started wearing down while we were there so we hussled and got her home for a nap.

After Natalee's bath and supper Aunt Kea & Grandma Sara came by to steal some kisses and bring some Easter presents. Natalee got a hoppy, dancing, singing bunny that's so cute he might drive you bananas, a soft Taggies books & a giggling hippo. What a loved lady!
Mike & I played "Easter Bunny" tonight & I can't wait to see what Natalee thinks of her goodies. She's getting such a personality...I've been picking up things here and there for 2 months that I know she'll enjoy. A training sippy cup, a couple of pop-up board books, a soft bear Bible, Praise Baby DVD, Stack & Roll cups, and a Buddy Bear (lavendar scented bear that you can warm in the microwave to soothe). I also got her a Teethifier teether the other day but I already gave it to her & couldn't locate it to put in her Easter basket. Oh, and the sunglasses she wore earlier!

Right now Natalee is crashed, Mike's shaving & I'm decompressing. I had to sit and take a break because standing in the shower sounded like a lot of work. I'm excited for tomorrow and the Sonlight kids' performance at Sonrise. It's going to be another long but love filled day of family.

I pray this Easter is finding you all as blessed, loved and awe filled of the reason we celebrate as we are at our house. God's love to each and every one of you!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy


Don't make fun of my whitey white baby against her very tan skinned cousins!

Monday, April 6, 2009




Thursday, April 2, 2009

catching up

I haven't blogged lately on just our day to day life. Miss Natalee is growing, growing, growing. She's starving all the time. We started her on rice cereal, then introduced fruit, and then veggies. After only a couple of weeks, she's up to eating 3 meals a day! She still drinks all the milk she's supposed to get but she's just a hungry monkey!!
Currently she eats sweet taters (mmmm, good!), pears (yummy), avocados (good now that she's used to them), green beans (not so wild about), and tonight she started bananas mixed with pear juice (yum!). The first thing I tried with her was applesauce...remember all the applesauce I made this past fall? Oct 2008
Yeah, well, apples give her a bellyache. I'm hoping once she develops her digestive system a bit more that we can at least mix apples in with other foods...although, I admit that they did make her a bit red in the face also, so perhaps it's more than just an intolerance. Oh, well...somebody's baby will need some homemade applesauce if mine can't eat it!

Our little Jellybean is "talking" so much now. Favorite sounds are oooooo and aaaah. Once in a great while she'll put the M sound on an aaah and we get something that resembles mama. I know she doesn't know what it means exactly but it's still fun to hear. She has the sweetest little voice.

So she could be rolling over but it seems that she's a smidgen lazy. She rolls to her side, we get the camera out, we cheer for her, and she tosses herself back onto her back. What a monkey!
As always, she's sucking and chewing on her fingers. She's "that" kind of kid who has to wear a bib to avoid having soaked clothes and chapped skin all the time. We love her for it!

In the world of naughty, she's becoming somewhat of a bear to put to sleep unless she's sooo tired that she just collapses. That semi-tired stage is a very hard time for her. We're working on it. I'm trying to think of a gentle way to teach a 4 month old that if you continually arch your back and kick yourself backwards with your feet that eventually someone might drop you. She goes down well at night but naps are harder, especially if, like I said, she's not dead tired.
She was dead tired this night. She fell asleep leaned up against her Daddy's legs!
Also in the world of ornery, no matter what time she goes to bed or how we change her nighttime routine the little squirt gets up every morning at 5:30. Funny thing is she's not really "up." She's still tired, mostly asleep, not hungry, etc. Since we get up at 6 we've been letting her snuggle in bed with us at this time...I know, I know...hold your warnings...but dang she's cute and she zonks right back out the minute we lay her in there. When we've tried to leave her in her bed & just retuck her in and give her a paci she can't settle back into dreamland. Must just be her way of saying she needs some cuddle time. I'll take it...I need me some cuddle time, too!

She's reverted full time back to her cradle. That has helped some...she quit sleeping through the night altogether in the bigger bed. I may have a 12 year old in a cradle if we don't think of a plan. I'm hoping that the bigger she gets the smaller the 'big' bed will look to her.

There's just so many fun things that she does everyday. Yesterday was exactly 1 year ago that I found out I was pregnant. I knew I'd love my little bambino, but never imagined that I would or could love her this much. I look into her baby blues and just want to hold her and never let her go.